…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      And another one here. I’m wrapping my head around all the different servers and trying to connect it all in my head. So on paper I guess I only need to register to a single instance, then somehow can post / read from other communities on beehaw.org right?

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        Yes I have my account on feddit.de but mostly post to communities of other servers. I also follow/join nearly all communities that I can find on lemmy xD

      • English Mobster
        111 months ago

        Yep. For example, I’m on the developer-run Lemmy instance, but I can see and interact with the communities on Beehaw.org just fine.

        The main difference is moderation styles (Beehaw has more strict moderation) as well as what they federate with. Beehaw doesn’t federate with certain communities, so those communities don’t show up when you look at “All”.