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Quake 2, PC
I liked quake 2, but 1 and 3 were better
I think Q2 largely started the mass multiplayer FPS gaming culture. Multiplayer was trivial to setup over LAN unlike other games at the time. It quickly exploded in LAN parties and clubs. Q3 continued in that vein and was also great.
Interesting. My experience with Quake 1 is that it was also easy to do on LAN, but also at that point, people had only been LANning for a short time in my area, so I think that’s why Quake 3 & Unreal Tournament were the first to pick up a ton of steam with the masses where I lived in the rural US.
I think Q2 had the best mods and TCs though
What were the good Q2 mods? I think I missed out on them.
Action Quake 2 was great, there was also Urban Terror I think similar to Counter Strike.
Lots of small things you could do like player skins, and audio, never had to pay for that either unlike the nonsense mtx of today
AQ2 was peak.
I don’t think I ever played it.
I should say “peak for me”.
It looks like there are 4 humans in servers right now, or some bot matches.
A precursor to CS.