I’m in the unfortunate position to be job hunting, so I have to answer unknown numbers. For years, I’ve gotten “I’d like to buy your house” spam calls. I’ve never been in a situation where I’d sell to a random caller. I can’t imagine one, either. I can imagine needing to sell my house, but I’d call a realtor or something. I wouldn’t engage a random cold-caller.

Does that ever work? Is it legit? I assume it must be profitable, because they keep doing it.

  • Glent
    1 month ago

    These absurd scams confused the hell outta me forever. Like are there really idiots falling for this tripe??? Then I read an article. It goes something like this. Hi there maggie, this is michael jackson, id like to marry you and mail you 10 gobzillion dollars today, you in???

    The answer is 1/10,000 is stupid enough to fall for this and the scammers want 10,000 people to instantly reject their absurd claim. Those people would just waste their time. Its intentionally absurd to ferret out that one person in 10,000. Someone who believes you are deceased michael jackson who is in love with them? Thats a big fish on the line, a real rube, someone who will empty their bank account for you. Sadly, in reality its probably the elderly, lonely, mentally incapacitated, or folks lobotomized by religion. They are scumbags seeking rip off the vulnerable.

    • ilinamorato@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      The “I want to buy your house” things are a little bit different, because they’re usually not technically scams (though they are definitely predatory). If you work with them, you will probably receive money in exchange for your house. It’s just that your sale price is likely to be far, far below what you could’ve received by listing it yourself on the open market.