I wouldn’t go that far, but yes. It’s less than optimal.
I wouldn’t go that far, but yes. It’s less than optimal.
That’s kind of dumb, no? Because what if we need weather control to reduce the fucking temperature?!
Just write in the nearest Subway/McDonald’s address.
Beat me to it. I scrolled back just to post this and… Here you are.
Wtf? 27 per hour? Sign me up!
Thanks, i was about to go digging.
Anything from newgrounds or ebaumsworld? What about stickdeath.com?
But what if it’s a clean butt
Now that is a dank meme/comic.
Humans being human. Higher expectation group doing things they write tickets for. Teehee
That’s my gripe, too. I was looking forward to the PodRide but they haven’t really done much.
Just don’t be stupid.
See? We really are just insignificant. We are a living neuron, and not even the whole neuron. We’re a tiny spec of a nueron.
It doesn’t exist anymore but this is from the reddit post from 6 years ago: https://www.shinesty.com/products/santapede-christmas-sweater
Sometimes I read the article, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I help others by providing an answer, sometimes I just keep scrolling. A comment starts an interaction at a minimum.
Why is IMG_0036 a lot of golf?