I’m not entirely sure that counts. Last I heard, their “top x” lists were just aggregates of other storefronts’ “top x” lists.
I’m not entirely sure that counts. Last I heard, their “top x” lists were just aggregates of other storefronts’ “top x” lists.
Industry publications regularly have access to metrics that storefronts don’t display, though. I’m willing to believe that they have data supporting this, but it’s weird that it’s not being shown anywhere.
Mm, fair point. I was also grandfathered in. But if I recall correctly, the free stuff is still pretty great.
In fairness, while most undocumented immigrants aren’t parasitic, he happens to be talking about the one that is.
“aliens who have once passed through our gates, even illegally, may be expelled only after proceedings conforming to traditional standards of fairness encompassed in due process of law.”
From a Supreme Court decision in 1952: https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep345/usrep345206/usrep345206.pdf
It had long precedent and has been upheld since: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S8-C18-8-7-2/ALDE_00001262/
Now, the question about whether or not they’re constituents could probably be debated, since they can’t vote. But if a person who didn’t vote for an official is still a constituent, then a person who couldn’t vote for an official is as well.
Indeed. YouTube and Apple are far more dominant than Spotify.
Apple and YouTube are way more dominant in the podcast market than Spotify is, though neither of them show Meidas above Rogan either, so I don’t know where these numbers are coming from.
Pocket Casts is my favorite, but AP is a great option that I used for quite a while.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I’ve been in that position a few times, actually; though usually it’s after I put it on a todo list. I was planning to switch to Linux, then Microsoft made Windows intolerable to use. I was wanting to buy a new laptop, then Tr*mp started a trade war. I had “back up my Amazon ebooks” on a todo for several months, and then this news comes out.
It’s like all of these companies and groups have decided to push me into doing stuff I wanted to do anyway.
Calibre is open-source: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre
So if it had telemetry, we would have heard about it.
That’s what I’m looking into, too. I’m finding info about a Branch Delay, a WinterBreak, and a LanguageBreak. I don’t know which one to try.
Thanks for the heads-up. I’m downloading all of mine and finally making a Calibre library.
Dude, it’s a cybertruck. That drawing in the dust probably caused the brakes to fail or the headlights to short out.
Is there a /c/nothingeverhappens over here?
Sometimes 14-year-olds have in-jokes, too.
This isn’t dunking on anyone or harming anyone. It’s not punching down. It’s making fun of Cinnabon (and of marketing), not plane crashes. I think your comment is a bit over-the-top.
Loops is coming soon, and it’s federated!
A lot of times, the manager that caused all that trouble by firing you doesn’t get to be a manager anymore.
Trump 2016: “When I’m elected, I’m going to be 100% bad.”
MAGAs 2016: “Nuh-uh, what he means is that he’s going to be -100% bad!”
Me 2016: “Actually I think he means he’s going to be 100% bad.”
Trump 2016-2020: <is 95% bad (the other 5% is ineptitude)>
MAGAs 2016-2020: “We didn’t think it would be that bad!”
Me 2016-2020: “I mean, he told you he would.”
MAGAs 2016-2020: “Well yeah but you said he was going to be 100% bad so you were wrong too! LOL TRIGGERED MUCH STUPID LIB OWNED TDS TDS TDS TDS”
Trump 2024: “When I’m re-elected, I’m going to be 125% bad.”
MAGAs 2024: “Nuh-uh, what he means is that he’s going to be -200% bad, just like he was in his first term!”
Me 2024: “…your blindness to history you actually lived through aside, actually I think he means he’s going to be 150% bad.”
MAGAs 2024: “That doesn’t even make mathematical sense! LOL TRIGGERED MUCH STUPID LIB OWNED TDS TDS TDS TDS”
Trump 2025: <is 125% bad (the ineptitude has also somehow grown)>
MAGAs 2025: “We didn’t think it would be that bad!”
Are we doomed to this stupid, stupid dance until Trump finally succumbs to his arteries?
We should sack those responsible for sacking those responsible.
I actually think that podcasts are a success story in that respect. 2015-2020 saw a lot of money getting thrown into the podcast space, and despite billions of dollars going into it and a bunch of exclusivity deals, nobody was actually able to take any real market dominance.
Now, that might’ve been because podcasts are kind of tied to platforms inherently (and without deciding the iPhone vs Android debate you can’t decide the Apple Podcasts vs YouTube debate), but that’s buoyed by the fact that the platform is essentially nothing more than the protocol, and it was given a solid decade to become what it is today without a ton of meddling.
So, yeah. Billions of dollars went in, everyone decided they couldn’t make any real money there, and so the big companies left the market. The fact that Rogan isn’t exclusive to Spotify anymore is just the latest example. Corporations lost. Podcasting won.