(I’m aware that many Lemmy users hate Reddit. this discussion would be useful for anyone that Lemmy users that also use Reddit)

This came as a big surprise to many users on places like r/help and r/bugs, including me. Reddit made this post last week on it: Say goodbye to new.reddit on Dec 11, 2024 : r/modnews.

Seeing this r/privacy post: sh.reddit (shreddit) is a Google spyware machine designed to de-anonymize you : r/privacy, New New reddit (2023 Reddit redesign) pings Google repatcha on every single page load. I saw the comments but its not clear how to counter this other than using old.reddit.com (which I like even less than 2023 reddit) or using 3rd party apps.

  • Swordgeek
    3 months ago

    Honest answer: leave

    Reddit is no longer interested in being an engaging, thoughtful, hub for discussion and debate. It is falling apartbas a source of news and knowledge.

    The only reason they exist is to track you and sell your information. If you stay, you are rewarding them for betraying their users. You are rewarding them for betraying you.