• Adderbox76
    5 hours ago

    Standard 3D shooter/War games like your Call of Duties, Battlefields, etc… It’s not that I’m a prude per se, I’ll happily play a single player campaign similar settings if they respect the material. Though I prefer science fiction where what I’m killing is aliens, or Fallout raiders and Super Mutants, or Zombies, etc…

    But (and this is MY OPINION only…I don’t judge anyone who feels differently) there’s something creepy and wrong about using very realistic modern-day set human-to-human war shooters when the end result is to tea-bag your friend when you kill him and have 13 year old kids calling out slurs in open chat. It just denigrates and cheapens a subject matter that I think should be treated with a lot more solemnity and respect.

    • Bahnd Rollard@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      Agree, the suspension of disbelief is important when your are emulating conflicts similar to the way that people do in meat space.

      Playing as a realisticly depicted person shooting another realisticly depicted person cant be good for your mental health.