I know of:

  • Tusky
  • Fedilab

I don’t know which of the two to use. They are quite similar in a lot of regards and I don’t think I’ve seen all differences.

Do you prefer one or the other or another option? Why?

Requirement is that the App needs to be available on F-Droid.

thanks for your opinions.

  • @[email protected]
    43 years ago

    Just an FYI Husky and OpenTusky (or FreeTusky I forget the name) are mostly Tusky with it’s restrictions on using banned far-right instances removed or something like that.

    • @[email protected]
      23 years ago

      That’s not surprising but the puppy icon is worth it I think, it’s not Nazis are going to use it less if other people stop using it

    • @[email protected]
      3 years ago

      Tusky disrespects user freedom, it therefore shouldn’t be used nor recommended to anybody.

      In this freedom, it is the user’s purpose that matters, not the developer’s purpose; you as a user are free to run the program for your purposes, and if you distribute it to someone else, she is then free to run it for her purposes, but you are not entitled to impose your purposes on her.

      And before someone quotes me this:

      For example, if the code arbitrarily rejects certain meaningful inputs—or even fails unconditionally—that may make the program less useful, perhaps even totally useless, but it does not deny users the freedom to run the program, so it does not conflict with freedom 0. If the program is free, the users can overcome the loss of usefulness, because freedoms 1 and 3 permit users and communities to make and distribute modified versions without the arbitrary nuisance code.

      That’s exactly what happened.

      Edit: I can’t make a coherent sentence, lol

      To the people downvoting me: care to explain or will you say nothing?

      • @[email protected]
        3 years ago

        I have a few words for tusky and the also the downvoters.

        I don’t like Tusky because the developer takes a political stance to what instances he will allow to use with the app.

        If this is true, then they’re similarly abusing power like the big corporations does. It’s worse even. they are left with less choice. this is in fact some sort of oppression. if we don’t want them to be around then we can simply ban them from the servers, and that’s enough. let the nazi have their little own shower party, we shouldn’t choose people we deem as sick to further them away from our society. that would even make them more solid and have more stronger feelings against us. remember, they are just humans like you and me, once also an innocent child who may be just like you at first. rather than doing that we should just leave them be, oppression isn’t just the way.

        I want most people to not act on hate. rather than that, rationalize and think what they could do to change the wrong things.