• @[email protected]M
    2 years ago

    Another thing: to the people saying “Sure I live in the West, but I’m from Hong Kong/Taiwan/Japan/South Korea/etc etc, and the West likes the government in my native region, so why should I care if the West hates mainland Chinese people? This is your problem, not ours!”

    Do you seriously think no hate will come to you just because you’re not the designated Bad Asian? They can’t fucking tell us apart nor do they particularly give a shit about telling us apart. Besides the fact that hate crimes against all Asian ethnicities, not just Chinese people, have been on the rise following the drama with China and then covid, these are the people who have mistaken Native Americans for Mexicans, Sikhs for Arabs, etc, in their quest to be racist pieces of shit. If you’re Asian or even look vaguely Asian. You. Will. Be. Affected.