For what it’s worth, in that specific example at least JSON parsing has been available as part of the base .NET libraries since .NET 3.
For what it’s worth, in that specific example at least JSON parsing has been available as part of the base .NET libraries since .NET 3.
Even more infuriating when not only is it not customisable, but they layout they do use is just… bad in a thousand different tiny ways.
For example, the tachometer and speedometer on my vehicle have two display modes. The traditional looking dials and a more compact vertical wheel that leaves more room in the middle of the display for other things.
…but those other things are almost always either useless (I don’t need to see a little picture of the vehicle I’m driving), or actively worse (the media info screen actually shows fewer characters in the larger mode).
It’s not unusable, it’s just varying levels of awkward or useless in dozens of little aspects.
I’ve been using LibreOffice and before that OpenOffice for as long as I’ve known about them being options. It’s honestly baffling to me that any home user would ever pay for MS Office. What on Earth does it offer that any home user could conceivably need?
Yes, it all eventually becomes heat, though not all in the room. Some sound escapes, and some light goes through the window or whatever. Those losses are incredibly minor though.
What makes a big difference between a PC and something purpose built as a heater is generally how the air circulates the room. A space heater is going to project it out into the room, baseboard heaters will create a wide convection current. A PC on a desk in the corner will typically just blast hot air at one localised spot on the wall which isn’t really ideal for dispersing it throughout the room.
Conversely it’s exactly as efficient as a resistive heater, which lots of people still use.
is still a value type, that never changes. Which highlights another issue I have with the explanation as provided. Using the word “reference” in a confusing way. Anonymous methods capture their enclosing scope, so i
simply remains in-scope for all calls to those functions, and all those functions share the same enclosing scope. It never changes from being a value type.
I think the explanation they provide is a bit lacking as well. Defining an anonymous function doesn’t “create a reference” to any variables it uses, it captures the scope in which it was defined and retains existing references.
The WTF in the C# example seems to be that people don’t understand anonymous functions and closures?
That’s exactly what we ended up doing. Every story has now become one Fibonacci step higher than it would have been before.
Management where I work finally unbent and admitted that story points were time.
…but also want to continue raising velocity in each sprint.
Exactly this. I had a character go to a brothel in a campaign I ran. I just said okay, you go to the brothel and have whatever you consider a good time. No further detail or RP was requested or required.
They have a vested interest in their borrowers not dying. This manifests as not lending to people at increased risk rather than any kind of protective or preventive action.
C# .NET using reflection, integer underflow, and a touch of LINQ. Should work for all integer types. (edit: also works with char
// this increments i
private static T Increment<T>(T i)
var valType = typeof(T);
var maxField = valType.GetField("MaxValue");
var minField = valType.GetField("MinValue");
if (maxField != null)
T maxValue = (T)maxField.GetValue(i);
T minValue = (T)minField.GetValue(i);
var methods = valType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods;
var subMethod = methods.Where(m => m.Name.EndsWith("op_Subtraction")).First();
T interim = (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[i, maxValue]);
return (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[interim, minValue]);
throw new ArgumentException("Not incrementable.");
deleted by creator
“Observable universe” isn’t how much we can see, rather how much it is theoretically possible to observe by any physical means.
I also don’t think that water drop fact is correct. The estimated number of stars in the observable universe is 10^24, which is about an order of magnitude more than 1 mol, and 1 mol of water is about 18g, which is quite a bit more than 10 drops.
Not even that. LLMs have no concept of meaning or understanding. What they do in essence is space filling based on previously trained patterns.
Like showing a bunch of shapes to someone, then drawing a few lines and asking them to complete the shape. And all the shapes are lamp posts but you haven’t told them that and they have no idea what a lamp post is. They will just produce results like the shapes you’ve shown them, which generally end up looking like lamp posts.
Except the “shape” in this case is a sentence or poem or self insert erotic fan fiction, none of which an LLM “understands”, it just matches the shape of what’s been written so far with previous patterns and extrapolates.
Also super cheap power from Churchill Falls.
I had a dryer for a while that vented into the room. It didn’t just spew damp air though. There was a condenser and collector tank for water that had to be emptied between runs.
Telling a Debian user that Mint isn’t the most up to date struck me as pretty funny.