• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • OK thanks for the tip.

    Firefox, F12, debugger

    API error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
    e https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2
        p https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2
        C https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2
        w https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2
        y https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2
        s https://tw.arkadi.one/static/js/client.js:2

    Caddy log

    {"level":"error","ts":1692060935.893172,"logger":"http.log.access.log0","msg":"handled request","request":{"remote_ip":"","remote_port":"41462","client_ip":"IP_REDACTED","proto":"HTTP/2.0","method":"POST","host":"tw.arkadi.one","uri":"/api/v3/user/register","headers":{"Referer":["https://tw.arkadi.one/setup"],"Cookie":[],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate, br"],"Dnt":["1"],"Te":["trailers"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0"],"Origin":["https://tw.arkadi.one"],"Sec-Fetch-Dest":["empty"],"Content-Length":["112"],"Accept-Language":["en-CA,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"],"Sec-Fetch-Mode":["cors"],"Sec-Fetch-Site":["same-origin"],"Accept":["*/*"]},"tls":{"resumed":false,"version":772,"cipher_suite":4865,"proto":"h2","server_name":"tw.arkadi.one"}},"bytes_read":0,"user_id":"","duration":0.002207562,"size":0,"status":502,"resp_headers":{"Server":["Caddy"],"Alt-Svc":["h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000"]}}

    I don’t see anything wrong here though it says it is an error. Hmm.

    EDIT: Ok one thing that could be wrong is it says the protcol is HTTP/2.0.

    I noticed on the troubleshooting page of Lemmy it says

    Make sure that websocket is working correctly, by checking the browser console for errors. In nginx, the following headers are important for this:

    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

    So, I am now searching if I can get Caddy to serve HTTP/1.1 for websockets?

  • tootbrutetoVancouverHow much do people tip?
    2 years ago

    I grew up in Canada but now live in Asia. I dread, absolutely dread going to any country where ‘tipping’ is normal. Why do we have to pay someone to do their job? The price should be the price on the menu.

    I would travel to any country in Asia that doesn’t have tipping rather than go back to Vancouver to pay $12 for a beer and be expected to tip for someone taking a bottle of beer from the fridge. I could never move back to Canada. /rant over.