Carney isn’t a neoliberal.
Carney isn’t a neoliberal.
I’ve been trying an experiment on r/onguardforthee. I block the belligerent reactionary accounts. You know what I’ve noticed. Not only are there repeat customers. Some of these accounts are playing both sides.
It’s not uncommon to see a top comment presenting a popular rational take. Where some time ago I’ve blocked it because it’s a shit stirring right winger.
They are also quite often the OP of top posts in the subreddit.
That’s an Americanism. Canadian boomers aren’t as malignantly conservative.
Ford is a Trump supporter. Republican wannabe. He’s just playing along. We’re watching WWE kayfabe.
We’re as fucked as the Americans are. Maybe more. At least the 75 million who bothered to vote Democrat who don’t want any of this. One third of them know what’s going on. Meanwhile Ontario is still voting on pointless traditional small-c versus small-l partisan issues.
I find myself uninvested in all this seeing how scripted it is. It’s distraction. I mean it’s been the Trump era MO for 10 years. Conservatives here love it. They’ve been cribbing notes. Why aren’t more people seeing it this way. The bluster. The table pounding. It’s all an act.
Whatever the bigger picture ends up being in this great big geopolitical realignment. Canadians are in for very rude awakenings whenever they start realizing it isn’t anymore about nebulous partisan ideologies but fundamental shifts in the world we live in. If the notoriously boisterous Americans are asleep at their own wheel. Where does that leave us.
It’s not exactly accurate either. It’s not that Trudeau is “poison to the liberal brand”. American politics poisoned our politics. It’s true we vote out parties but this time the real shit is because of the poison pill of insane American politics.
Back in 2011 the “liberal brand” was that of being relegated to the 3rd place party because they lost the election so bad. Trudeau was plucked out to be party leader. Some say reluctantly because they had no one else to lead it. We will never know the true behind closed doors story.
The liberal brand or whatever was dog shit 20 years ago. Conservatives won the smallest minority government ever. Nobody wanted to vote for liberals. Nobody wanted to vote for conservatives. So the conservatives got about 10 years of government because of apathy.
Trudeau was actually doing fine in roughly the first half of his leadership. Rescued them no longer being one half of the defacto two party system. Economy was doing good. Poverty was going down. Restored the census which conservatives killed off. Removed conservative censorship of scientists. Actual climate change policies. Got legal weed. Actually addressed social issues. Unlike the previous conservative government who were stoking proto-MAGA type divisiveness.
Then the Trump era came into full swing and the conservative party adopted American culture wars. Then COVID and the economic+social fallout hit. So naturally all that is Trudeaus fault.
Whoever is the unfortunate next leader of the liberal party will also be “poison” to the liberal brand. Because that’s how Americanized culture war politics works. They will ad hominem the next person to death. Elections will have absolutely zero policy and 100% culture war personal attacks.
In another reality where America doesn’t go off the deep end Trudeau maybe even has few more years in office until getting voted out in a boring uneventful election where conservatives win another small minority. But no this is the insane timeline. Conservatives are headed to a resounding majority win because “MAGA” reasons.
…citing a lack of consensus across party lines.
Way to leave out the the key quote. I can already picture the angry spittle on peoples screens. Everyone likes to omit the bigger picture for “trudeau bad” rhetoric purpose. He couldn’t unilaterally change the way elections are done. He’s not a dictator. Unless you actually want prime ministers to be dictatorships.
The new waves of users finding out reddit is no better than the dumpster fire social media sites they fled.
I bought CO2 sensors for an Arduino project. The firmware is calibrated to 400 ppm. It is rapidly becoming in accurate because baseline keeps going up.
The fediverse doesn’t need perpetual growth. That’s VC investor bullshit. You don’t need to be posting on a platform where the whole world is present. Again more corporate bullshit. As is the “digital town square” thing. It sounds profound but it’s pompous.
What made the internet so good was variety. Which is what reddit seemed to offer in a time when the older paradigms namely message boards were becoming antiquated.
What we got with the oligopoly of social platforms is watered down to memes and politics. It’s right wing cultural imperialism quite frankly. People have been battered into fear of being who they are online because in this age of centralized internet has made it a war to remove anything unacceptable (aka “woke”). There’s no variety. There’s nobody being themselves.
The fedeverse will have arrived if it manages to achieve distinct varieties. On a technical basis it’s perfectly positioned to achieve this. Right now it’s largely just reddit clones offering little more than an extension of the cultural/political wars embroiling the handful of centralized social media platforms.
There’s some fictional reality where young people yearn for the factories. Ignoring the second half of the story where that actual generation dreamed of a world where their children didn’t have toil in manufacturing.
Also ignoring the fact that wages have been going up for lowest earners.
He is the epitome of privilege. A criminal that not only faces no consequences but gets rewarded. A temper tantrum throwing cry baby yet some how doesn’t affect his character (to about half the country).
I had the realization about this distinction several years ago regarding reddit. Over the years of attrition by various controversies, reddit no longer has moderators. They’ve all left. There are moderators in name but they do not moderate.
Many set the mod bots to do bot things and then fuck right off. To be fair moderating global scale messageboard is kind of an impossible task. Much less to do it for free. Can’t fault the the old school internet moderators for leaving.
On another note. There’s no way to tiptoe around the issue of intelligence. The baseline level of discourse just isn’t capable of hard topics as it used to be. People seem to like the social drama that arises out of lack of moderation. That biases towards the lowest common denominators. It’s like a modern day Jerry Springer shock jock entertainment. But live and interactive! Social media users seem to revel in it. Bread and circuses…
Thiel is one of reddits earliest investors. spez is a Thiel boy.
This whole time I can’t believe how reddit managed to hold up a facade of being a cool progressive college student platform. They pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. It’s as if they put lipstick on /pol/ and /b/. And everyone was like, alright a hip liberal platform. Sure if you ignore the iceberg of right wing bootlicking shit beneath the surface of the default subreddits.
This comment is in every single thread. Always.
Do you guys work off the same notes or what.
The NPC type people. It’s like they don’t exactly have a conscious that can be spoken with.
Some of you reading this might think I’m referring to individuals I think are dumb but it’s not that. I don’t know if it makes sense there’s a type of person that thinks they’re above others. And that it is them who are interacting with everyone else who are NPCs.
Like, dude. Snap out of it and talk to people like a normal human being.
The clothing color could be due to lighting. Remember the blue black dress meme? Multiple backpacks is too easy. So that’s a non-issue.
That being said. Why isn’t anyone considering that maybe the cops couldn’t give a shit either. But they have to try because the money people said so.
Something has happened which nobody probably not even Republicans thought could happen. Reality does not have liberal bias.
Democrats are still operating on this assumption. They figure people will vote for them by virtue of some 60/40 (or whatever unbalanced) scale that naturally leans left. Unfortunately I don’t think they have gotten the wake up call even now. They cannot just do whatever the fuck (like being a party of the rich) under the assumption that if they get enough people to vote regardless of political affiliation then they will win.
It’s why Harris grew her support among voters making over $100,000 a year and lost support among voters making less.
This has been very evident on certain parts of the internet. Especially spaces where the tech workers hang out. They all talk like they can identify with working class folk. You simply cannot point out they are out of touch with the working class without causing them serious brain malfunction.
“B-but my avocado toast cost of living”, fuck I wish they would can it already. Nobody making over $100,000, certainly not well above that is struggling that hard. You aren’t. Sorry (not really) but that’s the facts. Always some wise guy got to chime in with some anecdote about how they personally are though.
It’s not just the party Democrats but liberals and leftists making over $100,000 a year who live in another reality. One where they are the stuffy old rich people. Only they do not see themselves this way. They are having a very hard time seeing it. This is where the Republicans were pre-Trump. The dead end party stuck in their old rich people ways. The tables have turned.
That includes you, millennials. Yes, you the rich ones. You are rich old people now.
Basically reddit 10-15 years ago. The doomsday edging gets stale when you realize things are cyclical. Millennials were supposed to implode with debt by now. An economic cycles or two later and that didn’t happen. Now it’s Gen-Zs turn to be on the brink of doom.
Another way to look at this is a back channel method of breaking down the big tech oligopoly.
I’m all for this. Kids are smart. They start using the rest of the internet. They’ll become tech savvy.
That doesn’t make him neoliberal.