I thought that was format incompatibility more than rights management.
I thought that was format incompatibility more than rights management.
I don’t trust Devon at all after this episode. And now we know the birthing cabins are a severed area we might wonder why Devon chose to give birth there.
privacy protection for Dolby Vision
How so?
That’s why I’m here! And I’ve never looked back 😁
Does it get slippery if it becomes too wet?
Ignoring a deal he signed!
Aha! I was right!
This thing has the Maple leaf. Must mean it’s made in Canada from our famous home grown Canadian Oranges.
The majority of countertop microwaves sold in the US, no matter the logo, are manufactured by just a few companies overseas, primarily Midea and Galanz.
Close, but not “only one”.
Well, I saw on a YouTube video that in season 1 there was a sign advertising a band called “Dieter’s Brother”. This would make me believe that the brother is real or that the lore of him has made it outside of Lumen/the ORTBO
since “Dieter Eagan” is an anagram for “AI generated”
I’ll need to see the video evidence to verify the claim.
A tip I found that works is to search for a song in the album you’re looking for. I like to use the most unique sounding title from the album. Then if you get a result, browse the user’s collection and you’ll likely find the rest of the album.
And the car’s stereo is broken.
I guess the “just buy an iPhone” philosophy doesn’t apply here.
Baroness was good but went on far too long.
Oh I like that one!
But with the exchange rate, you’ll have to share it with 3 more friends just to make the same point.
Wait until they hear other places I have licked!
Thanks. I hate it.
I have the next word suggestions option turned off. Previously I would see a question mark, exclamation mark and semicolon in the top strip. Now, with this new feature I get only the undo box (if my last word was autocorrected) and I now have to backspace and push and hold the M key to get a question mark.
I can’t figure out how to remove the option, so now I’m looking at replacement keyboards.