Thanks for taking the time to dive into this. Do any of those racist books not contravene Canadian laws about distribution of hate speech?
Let’s be nice to each other.
Thanks for taking the time to dive into this. Do any of those racist books not contravene Canadian laws about distribution of hate speech?
If you no longer need an audience, then why hang out with them?
Oof, I hope you don’t really believe that. Aside from “attention” that you get with friends, you should also get compassion, empathy, and love. And sometimes it’s just nice to have companionship.
Very interesting! I dug even further and found the description of the test: https://atts.org/tt-test-description/
Didn’t we convert a lot of the 2010 facilities to other recreation centres already? Like Hillcrest - used to host curling, I believe, but now it’s part pool.
I just thought VP at tech was the same as VP at finance. That is to say, meaningless.
I took a peek at my local sub and a thread asking about a car incident was full of one-liner jokes voted to the top. It was about 2/3 down before I saw an attempt at a real answer and even further down still before anyone wondered if the occupants were OK.
Mods: We want better mod tools. PLEEAAASEE!!!
Reddit: Here’s a pizza party
You don’t find that the fruits and vegetables from Walmart expire so much faster than from other grocery stores? It’s especially bad when we had it delivered by instacart because they just didn’t care and would grab the first thing they see rather than pick through it like I would. And of course that’s what you expect because they’re not the ones eating it.
Hm, so that means if we switch from dairy to plant based milks and reduce our beef consumption, that should temper our expenses. I don’t think our family is ready to go full vegetarian though. What is the situation with chicken and pork?
Reporting back after having Craffles on Davie. It was pretty good! But the seating is a bit cramped inside so I’d prob just order a simple waffle to go and take it across the park to eat.
What is your income to expense ratio?
I recently went down to Point Roberts to get something that’s not sold in Canada but before that the last time I went was in 2017, so I can’t even blame COVID. As I age, time becomes a more precious commodity than money, so either I live without that thing or I pay a premium to have it sent from a mail forwarding service.
Ian Tootill with Sense BC thinks the Idaho Stop would have support in the Lower Mainland, where many people use their bikes to commute and are already using the practice.
Basically if everyone is already doing it, why not make it law that it’s ok?
It’s not like there were any cops out enforcing the current law. Has anyone ever seen a bicycle get pulled over? I’ve never seen it either as a pedestrian nor a driver.
A lot of the DT brunch places are packed on the weekends but pretty empty on the weekdays. Especially true post-covid when we don’t even have much of the office crowd. You yourself was looking at the restaurant instead of eating in it!
If Metro Vancouver don’t have it, you think it’s worth the drive out to Mission to have a taste?
There’s a place on Robson across from the library that used to always have lines. I always figured they got on some list of “best place for waffles” or something.
Le Petit Belge? It’s… ok. Not worth waiting in line for on the weekends but if it’s a short wait on the weekdays it’s decent.
I guess I like them a bit crispy but fluffy on the inside.
Be the change you want to be. Start posting content that you want to see!
Here is the section on roommates titled Rights and Responsibilities of Co-tenants in the “RESIDENTIAL TENANCY POLICY GUIDELINE”
Read it carefully because if you want to bring this to arbitration later, you will have had to follow the guidelines there.
Probably the most relevant section for you:
In a monthly or periodic tenancy, when a tenant serves the landlord with a written notice to end tenancy, the effective date of the notice must be at least one month after the landlord receives the notice and on the day before rent is due. If the tenant gives proper notice to end the tenancy, the tenancy agreement will end on the effective date of that notice and all tenants must move out, even where the notice has not been signed by all tenants. When a tenant has ended the tenancy by giving written notice, all co-tenants remain responsible for meeting the terms of the tenancy agreement until the effective date of the notice. Co-tenants wishing to remain in the rental unit after a notice to end the tenancy has been given should discuss the situation with the landlord. If the landlord agrees to the tenant staying, the landlord and tenant must enter into a new written tenancy agreement.
Sounds like someone wasn’t getting attention anymore and decided to find a way to stir some shit up.