I bought a Pentium 75 in 1995. It had a 1GB hdd and 16MB of ram with Windows 3.11 and 28.8k modem. It cost me $5000. In 1995 dollars that’s $9,977.92 which seems insane.
I bought a Pentium 75 in 1995. It had a 1GB hdd and 16MB of ram with Windows 3.11 and 28.8k modem. It cost me $5000. In 1995 dollars that’s $9,977.92 which seems insane.
All I can do is act with ethics and integrity. The rest is their god-damned problem. I can’t say I have ever been harassed at the door though. Maybe this was just one security guard going overboard.
That’s what I am seeing as well
This works https://lemmy.ml/feeds/c/python.xml
This doesn’t https://lemmy.ca/feeds/c/[email protected]
This doesn’t https://lemmy.ml/c/python.xml
Nice boat, I also bought a kevlar 16" Swift Algonquin for the same reasons. Picking it up at end of month. Under 40lbs. 55 yrs old here and I am going to appreciate it as well. Happy paddling.
Nice spot, looking forward to picking up my new canoe at the end of the month
Northern Ontario checking in. Cheers everyone.
I am Systems Analyst that has been working in IT for the past 30 years. Mostly interested in technology discussion around open source software, systems and network troubleshooting.
I played hockey right up to Junior level. Minor hockey has its own issues for sure but once you leave minor and go into junior where parents aren’t paying fees it was toxic as hell. There was some great guys I played hockey with, made some great friendships there, but there were some absolutely awful human beings as well and they are tolerated way more than in general society. It comes from an old school culture among coaches right up to the owners of the teams. (excluding the trainers. they were almost always respectful people)