But of course
But of course
And capitalize random words because how else would readers know which words are important
Most of Arco/BPs new pumps don’t allow mute as far as I’ve found, I just layer electrical tape on the speaker
All the reason why voting in November is so important. We need to show these nazi muffins that this shit is unacceptable, and throttle them to the point where there is a necessary overhaul of their entire party.
Well that’s just plain silly
We must beware of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide
Eventually it’ll be all bots jerking themselves off
That’s a surefire way to violate the warranty, nevermind most average folks won’t even bother
don’t phone home info to China or BYD
You can guarantee they will. If we can somehow prevent that, I’m game. In fact, I’d rather all car manufacturers cut the data vacuum crap, and every other industry for that matter.
Some people also suck
One of the best ways someone can make a good living for themselves is to run their own business. Not that it’s for everyone, but being in the driver’s seat of your own income instead of depending on someone else for a wage is very much the definition of American individualism, even if an individual is simply contracting for a larger firm.
I don’t think there’s necessarily a shortage of workers, but I think there’s a shortage of people willing to work for the peanuts these conglomerates are offering. Competition is severely hampered when large firms corner their respective markets and drive out smaller competitors, because now they are the ones in charge of the respective workforces and are calling the shots, including how much an individual is allowed to make. Smaller firms with lower overhead are able to disrupt them, as long as the playing field is level and the barriers aren’t the Dover cliffs.
You fuzzy little man peach
Kinda hard to buy stuff when all of our money is going to rent and groceries.
Or muskrat having an aneurysm
I think it has to do with the fact that most European toilets put the reservoir up high either on or in the wall, and gravity helps blast the dook down the drain. I have one of those up high ones with the chain flush in my house (US), and that toilet never clogs.
I prefer not to put my hand on the business end of the doodie derby rod, thank you very much
One example of explicitly learning why you don’t click on something when it says click here.