THAT’S how I’m supposed to get ten years of experience in a five year old technology
THAT’S how I’m supposed to get ten years of experience in a five year old technology
quantity over quality is a pretty effective scam technique, it’s hard to get money from experienced technical users. So the initial hook is sometimes designed to intentionally be obvious to those users so they know to ignore it, so that the scammers don’t waste their resources on the later stages of the scam
i spend my days in a big black unmarked van
it’s a mastodon toot, those are tags
got an email during university that I had been given access to an array of digital resources for free, all I had to do was link my university email credentials. Only after I had already done that did I realize how sketchy it was, but then it did actually turn out to be legit. Wish i remembered/still had access I remember there being some good stuff on there
it’s a fan comic based on the tv show the Owl House
technically yes with a felony conviction, but this is referring to losing your voter registration not your rights
I think you’re a conspiracy theorist
the oldest Billy Goat Gruff, who knocked the troll off the bridge saving both his siblings
gotta go with the velociraptor, Little knife chicken
oh I’ve only ever read it, never heard it pronounced, do people really pronounce it engine X?
hmmm I thought I did, I saw a little bit on Twitter talking about the video essays discussing the allegations. And then the tweet from the alleged victim saying that it was nothing, and then a tweet from someone who I thought was the creator of one of the video essays saying that the above alleged victim was not actually one of the victims they talked about.
But now I can’t find any of that exchange, or even the original video essays, and all the news outlets are referencing just that tweet from the alleged victim and only seem to be referencing a single victim, but that might just be that the news outlets are trying to post things too early
i believe that one alleged victim said they were not a victim but they were not the only alleged victim
those are different groups, the loan providers were in support of loan forgiveness. pause to make sure I know what I’m talking about. Unless your fed loans are serviced by MOHELA, in which case the state of Missouri sued on their behalf
not enough for a Bingo but they did say that the Hex would be a new Syndicate
I think I’ve already seen a Necraloid/Otak cosplay? or more of a prop
EDIT: here it is, comes with the grimoire pedestal
Warframe is great but you can’t do 95% of the story missions multiplayer