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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • arbitrary@lemmy.worldtoThanks! I hate it!@sh.itjust.worksWhat?!?!
    1 year ago

    volunteer positions

    So instead of getting paid below minimum wage you’d rather they don’t get paid at all?

    Volunteer positions also often cannot provide the often increased need for supervision and guidance, especially for new or atypical tasks.

    To be honest, I don’t know every individual business, but the vast majority of businesses that I know that hire people with mental (or sometimes physical) impairment do so as part of a social goal to give back to society. We have a shop around my hometown where they fix bicycles. Takes longer and you often have a neurotypical supervisor that jumps in if needed, but at the end it’s a great way to give these people a place in society and a small pay that they can see as their contribution to their family (or their own lives).

  • Even if you don’t get a job immediately, with a 25h week you should have a lot of time to upskill and get yourself employable.

    There are a lot of free resources for anything from programming, MS Office (seriously, Excel will get you a job), languages, and even science (though probably more as a setup for any kind of degree).

  • Question is, what business model would you support?

    Ads are the thing that pay for a lot of services most people use in daily lives. Imagine you needed a paid subscription for your email, your search engine, browser, social media account(s)…

    Lemmy is fun and all, but eventually it will need to expand and pay for server costs and so on. Yes, perhaps it will be carried by enthusiastic community members, but that’s just a higher paid subscription for a few rather than many.

    I agree fully with you that the level of commercialisation is beyond crazy by now, and many developments do not have the user in mind. But that’s not on the business model itself, but the companies’ decisions.

  • arbitrary@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWhat is spying?
    1 year ago

    I’m sure not everyone will agree, but honestly, I kind of stopped caring too much. I’ve been using Instagram, Google, Android, Apple, and many other service providers for years and none seems to know a lot about me based on the stuff I see being advertised to me.

    None of them seem to have figured out what languages I speak (I get a lot of language courses for English and German, but I’m native in both), what my education level is (I get a lot of ‘study your bachelor or master here or there or online’ despite having two master’s degrees), where I really live (lots of British stuff always, but I live out of Europe), or what my hobbies are (lots of mobile games that I wouldn’t touch with a stick).

    Yeah, it seems they get the basics (I’m male, below 35, I am interested in educational stuff), but that could be anyone… And if I can use their services for tree for them to put me in a category with some 10M others, I’m kinda okay

  • arbitrary@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich🏊iel
    1 year ago

    Im Post steht es nicht, nur im Komentar von Mateoto (mit dem ich wie gesagt zustimme).

    Mein erster Komentar ging darauf ein, dass OP’s Zusammenhang zwischen dem was einige Deutsche auf Malle machen und den Problemen in den deutschen Schwimmbädern (bzw. deren Darstellung in den Medien) unsinnig ist, es setzt zwei völlig unterschiedliche Themen gleich.

    Ein Vergleich mit Problemen wie dem Hiztesommer oder Artensterben würde hier Sinn machen (was von Medien heruntergespielt bzw. ignoriert wird während Themen wie Migrationskriminalität gepusht werden) aber das “steht da (im Pfosten) nicht”.

    Und mit mehrheitsfähigen Meinungen pass auf, mehrheitsfähig ist derzeit auch eine Koalition CDU/AFD, heißt nicht, dass es gut ist.

  • arbitrary@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich🏊iel
    1 year ago

    Wenn du das so interpretieren willst gerne, aber das steht nicht so da. OP hat einen Zusammenhang zwischen Malle und Schwimmbädern postiert, der so sinnlos ist.

    Hätte er deiner Logik folgen wollen (bei dem ich 100% dahinter stehen würde) ginge der Komentar wahrscheinlich in die Richtung ‘wir haben Extremsommer, Artensterben, und rechte Medien interessieren sich nur für Ausländer in Schwimmbädern’.

    Steht da aber nicht.

  • arbitrary@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich🏊iel
    1 year ago

    Hey OP, welcher Aussage willst du hier machen? Das die (existierenden) Probleme in Schimmbädern in Ordnung sind weil *einige Deutsche sich im Urlaub ebenfalls unakzeptabel verhalten, oder ist dein Punkt, dass deutsche Medien darüber nicht oder nur im Kontext von anderen Problemen im Ausland berichten sollte?

    Edit für *einige statt ‘einzige’

  • I think freight logistics is another topic though. (Last mile) Deliveries will likely stay on trucks and vans, simply because it isn’t feasible to have tracks to everyone’s house. Though increased usage of trains would probably still be cheaper and more efficient here.

    My point of argument was related to personal travelling (getting to work, buying groceries, …), as the comment I replied to discussed. Those are activities we could or should probably try to move onto rails or more generally public transport rather than trying to have the same number of cars but just electrified.

    Though there might also be regional differences in feasibility. European cities tend to be much more built around public transport and walkable distances, making it much easier to adopt such measures than most of rest of the world (for various reasons).