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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • How many of these posts about reddit have to keep popping up before the mods start cracking down and making this community about technology, not love/hate letter spam about the reddit incident. It’s gotten old.

    Use one of the MULTIPLE communities about reddit for these posts. This isn’t even about technology, this is someone using this as their own personal microblog thinking other people care that they’ve moved on.

  • This product was also sold, not deleted. So to be a bit pedantic, it doesn’t belong there. People are acting like this has died entirely or they aren’t able to transfer their domains. It’s not the end of the world.

    But I guess people can feel good posting “Don’t be evil I guess” over and over again (as has been posted in all the threads about this numerous times) or being all snooty about how they’ve “warned people forever” not to use any Google service ever.

  • I had to reinstall my local instance, and wasn’t able to import my old database. That meant I had to go re-subscribe to everything and even worse, nothing on my account will actually federate. Comments I make on the “main” admin account won’t federate anywhere, because the instances see that “old” user with the same name, but exchange is different.

    So I had to create this second account, and use this to comment on things with. It’s a pain, but hopefully it gets better. Even if it’s just being able to export my subscriptions so I don’t have to try to find them all again.

  • I would normally recommend hamstudy.org, however I don’t think that will entirely be of use for you unfortunately as it’s US based. I did find this site which may be your best point of contact: https://www.hamradio.ro/

    They should be able to direct you to a local club, or resources to help you learn and get licensed. 73s

    Translation to Romanian using an app:

    Traducerea în română folosind o aplicație:

    În mod normal, aș recomanda hamstudy.org, cu toate acestea, nu cred că vă va fi de folos, din păcate, deoarece are sediul în SUA. Am găsit acest site care poate fi cel mai bun punct de contact al tău: https://www.hamradio.ro/

    Ar trebui să vă poată direcționa către un club local sau resurse care să vă ajute să învățați și să obțineți licență. 73s