Exactly the opposite. The bigger one is, the less it evaporates. Time required to evaporate scales with Mass^3
Exactly the opposite. The bigger one is, the less it evaporates. Time required to evaporate scales with Mass^3
Well, also that being bigger means you’re less vulnerable to smoke or toxic has inhalation, which is what kills most people.
Pop rep wouldn’t have changed much for NDP/Con numbers.
STV, though, would have been an absolute gamechanger
Unless you’re going to tell me that Itch has a dynamic library filtering setting, family-sharing, the ability to have local machines on the network speed up my downloads, and the ability to dynamically remap controller profiles per-game, then yeah, steam is more user-friendly.
I don’t understand the point of making a coin that has ~$3500 worth of gold in it, and then giving it an official face value of $50.
Even big singleplayer games can be fun. I liked being involved in the early days of BG3’s release, for example. But then again, no mans sky and cyberpunk sucked
There was a time where the fact that launch meant a high player count, big community energy, and lack of hyper-optimized strategies minmaxxing the fun out of a game was sufficient reason to get it at launch.
But given how often modern launches are bungled, even that is not always true
You are telling me that statistically speaking, a store is likely to be crashing into within 3 years of its most recent crash
If the error is hidden well, yes. Close-reading a text and cross referencing everything it says takes MUCH longer than writing a piece you know is accurate to begin with
The next update will fix everything, just need this one hotfix and everything will be solved, just wait.
Just one more update, okay? Just one more. One update. Just one.
I take it you’ve never been on a job site, because there is a TON of infrastructure and protocol that cranes and crane operators have to follow to make sure everything is as safe as possible.
You need to have extensive training to be allowed to do overhead materials handling, the ground conditions need to be thoroughly checked, the job site needs to be planned and laid out, in general there are a ton of constraints and checks to make sure that there is virtually zero risk that a random person could accidentally walk into a danger zone and get hurt.
That’s pretty much the exact opposite as with cars. Pretty much every parking lot I have ever been to is front-loading, which REQUIRES that pedestrians have to cross the main driving path to get to their destination and there is very little training and certification required of drivers compared to crane operators.
It also takes like 10 minutes of inhaling chloroform for it to knock you out like that
In Canada, we spend about $8k on healthcare each year per person. This is mostly taxes, but also partly co-pays and private employer insurance.
America spends about $14k per person.
In both the USA and Canada, about 28% of government spending goes to healthcare. In the US that means about ~6k in total government budget from your tax dollars is spent on healthcare, while in Canada it’s about ~7K.
The difference is that the average american also pays an additional $8K in their own after-tax dollars from their pockets in insurance and direct-billing for services.
And for the privilege of paying nearly twice as much, the Americans have a life expectancy of 6 years less than Canadians (76.3 vs 82.6)
Tigger’s manic denial that he is lonely, and insistence that he is “wonderful” because “I’m the only one” has always hit me as a horribly depressed person feigning mania to hide/run from their awful situation
Eeyore at least is in touch with his feelings
And in fact, increasing the tax on profits makes it much, much more valuable to reinvest in the business.
Like, lets say your business is expecting a net profit of $200K after a year. You can either choose to reinvest that into the business to buy new equipment and hire new staff, or you can record that as profit, pay the taxes, and then put the after tax dollars money directly into your and your investors pockets.
With our current corporate tax rate of 15%, it’s really tempting to just pay the 30K in taxes and personally keep $170k as take-home, which gets taxed at a MUCH lower rate than regular income, rather than keep it in the business. $30K as a fee to keep $170K in personal income is pretty cheap.
However, if taking money our of the business was much more expensive, say 45% or something comparable to the marginal personal income tax rate for a working professional, then maybe as a business owner you might think that paying $90K to keep $110K is not as good a deal, and so you will think about whether there are other opportunities WITHIN the business you could invest in, putting those profits towards new equipment or training, rather than losing 45% of it to taxes just to add a small amount to your own pocket.
They want them even more as middle managers.
The CEO’s goal is to be able to say “we had the best intentions, I have no idea how it went so badly”, and that requires a bunch of layers of middlemen who are willing to do anything to meet targets
Mercedes was the name of Emil Jellinek’s daughter, Emil has the idea to develop sports cars, he designed and commissioned cars from an engineering company and named the model-line after her.
The goal of the anti-LGBT relious nuts is to force people into straight marriages because that’s all that matters to religious zealots.
They know that if kids practice safe sex they won’t get pregnant and ‘shot gun marriage’ rates will go down.
They know that if kids discover their gender or sexual identity is non-cis, non-het, or non-monogamous that they might not wind up having a traditional marriage.
The know that people who only have 1 partner in their lifetime are much, much less likely to successfully leave an abusive partner, meaning there’s a higher rate of divorce if people learn that having multiple partners in your life is normal and okay.
They know that kids who are educated about healthy sex and consent in relationships are less likely to go along with a child marriage or an assigned marriage.
They know that removing sex ed means more teen pregnancy, more intimate partner abuse, and more child-rape. For religious people whose only goal is to get young women into marriages, those are good things.
Example: An actual elected official in the state of Missouri defending his stance that “Parents Rights” includes the ability to marry off their kids to adults at age 12, because “Do you know any kids that have been married at age 12, I do, and guess what, they’re still married”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6UJ-uCrgc
These people legitimately believe that it’s morally correct to kidnap a 12 year old girl and force her to be entirely subserviant to, and dependent on, some pedophile husband who controls everything they do, because them being trapped in that awful situation means that there’s one more marriage in the world.