
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I lived close enough to my school that I was able to walk every day. Every morning I had to deal with self-centered parents dropping their crotchspawn off at school. I nearly got run over numerous times while crossing the street- a few of which got close enough that their front bumpers touched the backs of my legs as I walked. One parent cut in front of me instead of behind me, and I was able to punch the back of their car as they sped off.

    Keep in mind I was a child when this was happening. These were parents that were very nearly running over a child willingly.

  • I put some of the blame on retailers as well. Retail stores just don’t want to carry inventory anymore, especially tech-focused ones with many of those just turning into glorified showrooms. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard some version of: “Sorry, we don’t have that in stock but we can bring it in for you.”

    We needed a short length of garden hose here for the house so I went to two hardware stores and one garden centre looking for one. Nothing. Not even in their dedicated gardening sections. I had to order it off Amazon. A goddamn garden hose.

    Amazon has done a lot of damage for sure but retail is suffering from several self-inflicted wounds too. Home Depot, for example, is a multi-billion dollar corporation and even they have a weaker retail presence now. That’s not Amazon’s fault.

  • A mixture of people voting with their hearts instead of their minds, and people being very ignorant about politics.

    The end result is a voting population that will vote based on knee-jerk emotional reactions and are very gullible and lead astray by false promises, lies, and misinformation. Basically: They are extremely easy to manipulate.

    A lot of Canadians feel Trudeau is a shit, do-nothing politician and PM and that he has to go, and I frankly agree with them. The problem, though, is that they let their hatred of the PM (and his party) blind them and they end up voting for a party which has no functional solutions to everything they hate Trudeau for. The problems that Trudeau has neglected DO need to be taken care of but the CPC doesn’t have a platform or policies to actually deal with them. Voters don’t care though; they just want Trudeau gone. They just want red party gone.

    Two or three years from now when PP is prime minister - his ratings are going to tank and people are going to start hating him. The scandals will start stacking up and media pressure on him and his corrupt ministers will continue to grow, and many who voted for him will be crying that they got betrayed. Maybe some day people will learn to stop voting for con artists but I doubt it’ll be in my lifetime.

  • I remember going to a job interview when I was younger. My dad dropped me off there on his way to work and then I took the bus home after my interview was done. It took my dad about 13 minutes to drive me to the interview and it took me TWO AND A HALF hours to take transit home. That includes bus travel time as well as time spent waiting for buses. I have also biked that route before and it takes about 25-30 minutes one-way.

    The North American approach (because Canada is guilty too) to transit is to just throw a bunch of busses at the problem and act like they’ve “solved traffic”. Meanwhile those buses are noisy, stinky, often unsafe things which spend most of their time stuck in traffic and are almost always late, if they even arrive at all. Most of the bus routes in my city stop at midnight so if you were out at the bar for the night and needed a way to get home then you better have funds for a cab or Uber or you’re going to be stranded. (something something car-centric cities encourage drunk driving deaths somethingsomething)

    Depending on the distance you need to travel - it’s often faster to just walk. That’s right, we have created a method of transportation that is actually slower than walking. And all the while our city planners, officials, and politicians pat themselves on the back for their “commitments to public transit”.

    And don’t even get me started on how the war on unhoused people has lead to almost all bus stops being uncovered and with no seating. Raining? Fuck you! Snowing? Fuck you! 35c+ outside? Fuck you! Disabilities? Fuck you! What few covered stops I have seen usually have glass roofs so the sun still cooks you under them.

    Maybe more people would use this method of transportation if it literally wasn’t intentionally made to be as miserable and useless as possible.