Also 5. I made it to the point i can engineer basically anything, not just “write code”. If only someone would recognize that and hire me.
Also 5. I made it to the point i can engineer basically anything, not just “write code”. If only someone would recognize that and hire me.
I was there, making and sharing rage comics in its prime
The echo that would make when tossing a pebble below would be so satusfying
The game felt like it would be better as an anime.
Then the anime came out on Hulu.
Controversy does sell games and can drive sales of bad games (GTA, Dark Souls, DND). People are more aware of it. They buy it and play it because “what’s the big deal”. They like it, despite its flaws, then they share it.
The complaints about “wokeness” are only created by bigots. Just because games have a queer or religious character doesn’t mean there’s an agenda to make more money. It’s just a trait that exists in the real world. And more than likely, the character takes traits from someone who made it, or someone they know.
Queer people exist. Being upset about a person existing in a game is a personal problem.
That being said, there are things I personally don’t like in games, so I just don’t play them.
What was her motivation?
Can low water pressure in the whole house be attributed to a bad water heater?
Towards the Bakersfield side, I reckon
Is it happening more frequently, or is there more awareness?
296/●/Uguraujujuh of Lexgonia Blou¤
I believe there is some truth to that. I’m a single and poor male, so kids aren’t something viable for me.
I dreamt I played a new Borderlands game last night.
Be me
Playing my favorite version of WoW
Boosted XP
Can take breaks whenever i want without being anxious
MFW I was lied to about private servers being unsafe. They just scared us into compliance
They will take way too long to be paid. I’ll be in my late 40s before some of them are done. They are also taking half my paycheck each month.
It doesn’t have to be. It’s just getting so comfortable without clothes that it’s not noticeable whether or not you are wearing them (indoors while not moving) until you feel a breeze hit or start moving around.
Why bother dissecting a work of fiction?