I see what you did there! 😂
I see what you did there! 😂
I only wish I could give it multiple up votes! This made me laugh so hard
Swiss cheese on the sandwich. Not a Swiss sandwich
The downside is… You have to live in Florida. 😜
Happy to help in any way I can.
LOL! He’s too full of himself to do that! He still believes that he can win which is why he didn’t do proportional representation or anything good really.
Dead. They are stuck trying to NOT upset the Liberals, for what reason I don’t know. If they could start holding the Liberal party’s feet to the fire they could actually do something worthwhile. Right now, they are not doing anything.
Why didn’t they take the metal top off? You have to dismantle it the entire way. Amateur.
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Take more pictures and videos than you think you should. Document everything, especially the mundane. You will never regret taking a video or photo. I have a 16 year old and time flies so fast, but we look back at the past with fondness. My wife and I were smugly talking (to each other, never brag to other parents) about how our son didn’t have tantrums, until I found a video of him having one. You are so sleep deprived that you will forget a lot, but you can rely on the video evidence
Successful IVF parent here: it is a difficult, trying process but the reward is amazing! I tell our child that they were wanted so badly that we had to do some crazy things, but it worked.
Best of luck to you!
It’s a banjo for tone deaf people
Bidet. Amazing for a North American, I know RoW has had them for eons. You are so clean that a couple of squares of tp to dry off and you are golden. No more endless wiping.
I would buy so many more decorations and put them up. I would even start the first week of September just for shits and giggles
NTA. She chose her path
Holy hell. I don’t remember the horrors of the last couple. I didn’t even know they HAD different ones. I thought it was always the third one