I did the same thing!
I did the same thing!
So I thought it worked. Went through about 400gb of movies to change it. Almost none of them downloaded in French (and I spot checked a few of them to make sure they were on geek). Would there be a reason that within the group, it would still prioritize quality over custom score?
Mr. D (think Michael Scott but a teacher)
Shrinking (low stakes like Ted Lasso)
Taskmaster UK (if you like comedy panel type shows. Although it’s not really a panel in the traditional sense)
One of those play couches really helped our kids keep it contained. Two of them would make a fun jungle gym
Ohhhhh yeeeessss! This did it thank you so, so much!
So I changed your recommendation, and tried it with Inside Out 2.
There’s definitely a geek file. Radarr upgraded my 2160p 30+gb file to a 22+gb remux1080p file. I watched it download so I know it did its thing.
But it didn’t grab a “multi” file with French. Just two different English audio tracks haha
Hopefully this makes sense - thank you for your help (and over a long span). I feel like something obvious needs to change but I can’t make it make sense in my head
So I finally had time to sit down and set this up with radar and Sonarr.
In both cases, I’ve used nzbgeek and I tried a movie that for sure had “multi” files.
And it didn’t download the ones with French.
Would I be able to pm you some screenshots to see where I went wrong?
So many things factor into this…
Our house became significantly (like 97%) less dusty when our dog passed.
The age of your house
The type of furnace filter
We have 3 small kids, so we try to tidy up physical stuff (toys, clothes, bags, etc) every day. Dishes too.
Once a week is wiping down nin-kitchen surfaces
Once a month is wiping down baseboards and door trim
Found Orpheus but couldn’t for red - thanks!
Stupid question I think but since this isn’t private, I should use a VPN?
Im sure this is a dumb issue, but all I can find are guides for these trackers. Are there links somewhere or are they hidden from web searches?
Which tracker(s) do you use for music? I’m looking into ditching $potify
For me, it’s “Grandad”
This is the answer!
Thanks for your efforts! I’m taking French courses (I’m only at an A2) so while I won’t be able to contribute, I’m glad to have a place I can try to immerse in a bit :)
I think sometimes the title says multi but sometimes not. Here’s some shots with “IF” as the example. First one is search results for Geek. Second is file downloaded. 3rd is options when searching through radarr