Lerios [hy/hym]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • I wasn’t trying to other anyone, i was being kind of genuine: how are we as communists meant to find common ground with people so disconnected from the concept of economic hardship that they can throw money around like this? normally you can communicate your ideas to people and be understood (even by conservatives if you phrase it right) because at the end of the day, most people under capitalism are fucked over and living under capitalism sucks, but for this guy it presumably doesn’t suck. how do you get it through to someone like this that the current system is unbearable? because surely it doesn’t feel unbearable from where he’s standing.

  • Now i never specialised in particle accelerators and i can only speak for syncrotron type accelerators (like Diamond in the UK) but i took exams about them and i got to tour one so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Generally, they’re a pretty normal thing in particle physics and materials science now, like, they’re places where a bunch of people have relatively dull 9-5 jobs and parts of them are rented out to random companies. Mostly they’re used for medical/drug research and semiconductor stuff now, and to my knowledge they’ve discovered nothing that would excite the general public for years.

    They can’t really be a ‘failed theory’, because they’re SUPER useful for telling us whats in shit and how materials behave, they’re just not the magical world-ending bullshit that the news like to say they are. No one really expected them to be (except the media trying to farm clicks). Making stuff go fast is fun and informative, thats all we need party-parrot-science

  • If we didn’t have a government - say tomorrow there was a complete government collapse and only corporations and people remained - do you genuinely think there would be no one arresting people? Do you think that walmart or disney or whoever would just let people steal from them? No, they would expand their security forces immediately, with no laws to stop them, no laws to say that they can’t just kill theives or people who might be theives or employees who try to quit, etc etc. No laws to say they can’t just reintroduce child labour or bulldose your house to make a parking lot. How is anyone going to fight them, when the rich have billions to raise an army with whereas normal people have comparatively nothing? It wasn’t always the police arresting or killing union people, it was pinkertons or other hired thugs.

    unregulated ancap bullshit becomes a land of warlords very quickly.