a teaching staff member without a degree? how does that work? what do you teach?
then hopefully the midterm elections show a strong reaction to this. if it’s basically “meh”, then no, US can’t be considered a friend.
“I need to call a snap election so I have a clear mandate to fight back hard against American aggression.”
and then, after the election:
“It’s not aggression, really. They hit us because they love us. We shouldn’t make them do that.”
hunting people in wheelchairs seems more likely from the UCP…
The “Let’s let the radioactive shrapnel fall in Canada before it gets to the States” dome? No thanks.
“I am in complete control and micro-manage every aspect of my government” does not pair well with “how on earth could I have possibly known about this, the deal that I enthusiastically pumped for political points against Trudeau during the pandemic? HOW?”
UofC is doing the same, nominally because DEI is now not a separate thing so why does it need a dedicated office? (but also because it’s a signal to the province that they’re not woke so please be nice to them)
but I thought that guy insists that The Wall is needed to solve the problem. Now you say it’s more nuanced than that???
they’ve already been piling on nenshi. campaign ads pointing out how everything bad that’s ever happened has obviously been part of his evil plan all along, etc. (also, campaign ads when there isn’t an election???)
Waiting for “Stop the nukes” to be added to his list of single-syllable talking points…
I still miss the atomic hand grenade…
Cool! her ex owns 25% of your house. That’s very generous of you.
I’d settle for my provincial government not actively fucking over health care, ripping up contracts with doctors, and then wondering where all the doctors went…
Travel mugs are a thing, and they don’t come with paper lids.
you know what’s REALLY wild? When I was a kid, there were roughly 4.5 billion people to feed every day. I’m not that old, but the global population has doubled in my lifetime. Crazy.
so… “this is good for both countries and will be an important part of Ukraine’s recovery, but I will vote against it because I can’t go on record voting for anything that mentions the magic words ‘carbon pricing’. sorry. would have loved to help, but CARBON!”
double the carbon tax, put it all toward NATO spending. All of the lifted F150s with military-adjacent bumper stickers would probably support that, right?
I assume the same “pristine viewscapes” bullshit will apply to oil & gas and coal mines etc. (of course it won’t)
PP is just begging for someone with a PhD in linguistics to respond…
same - wasn’t going to link to it. it looks like disinformation through and through. I’m trying/hoping to find out where they get their “news” because it’s become the driving narrative for a family member and “buddy, that just looks suss as hell” doesn’t quite cut it.