• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • In South Africa, the law determines that if something’s labeled “Product of South Africa” it can’t have any imported ingredients (tho the packaging can be imported).

    “Produced in South Africa” can have imported ingredients - and I’ve been boycotting almost all of that because of the omnicidal carbon footprint of importing things. It’s easier in this country to live ethically tho because we can grow almost everything we need: from food to textiles; tho our energy production is some of the most unethical in the world.

  • If you value your time, then maybe only watch finished shows with excellent word-of-mouth/ratings? If it declines instead of ending while still good, then stopping where people suggest? Possibly also skip the initial seasons if it only gets good later.

    If you want to talk around the water cooler about the most popular zeitgeist shows, then maybe make exceptions for those that are the buzz after their 1st few episodes like Game of thrones, tho you should be prepared to quit the show after a few consecutive poorer episodes indicating its almost certain decline. (PS: I’d recommend stopping before Game of thrones’ 6th season).

  • “Aid organizations the world over scrambled to prove their work saved lives, seeking permission from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to continue operating.”

    Maybe those who proved they were doing good, were the ones then to get the axe. The cruelty is the point - especially I’ve found, by the kind of people who claim to be Christians. Maybe lying by saying ghosts and souls and gods and heaven are real, it inculcates lying into all aspects of a peoples’ actions.

    Rubio’s lies, and these actions are helpful in getting Trump more support from the kind of people who voted for him. The deaths and cruelty is the point.

  • These hemorrhagic-fever like outbreaks (like Ebola and Marburg) usually don’t spread too far because of how dramatic the symptoms are and of how quickly they usually kill patients: here “death occurs within just 48 hours of the onset of symptoms”.

    “However, here, it is concerning that we have hundreds of cases and over 50 deaths, with hemorrhagic-fever like symptoms widely reported among those cases.” - Michael Head. Current estimate of a “fatality rate of 12.3 percent” is of course a major problem locally, tho that % could be completely wrong.

    If there are few or no asymptomatic carriers, and the incubation is period is short, then it’s unlikely to be like COVID-19.

    Bird flu is still big concern - and potentially the solution to omnicidal anthropogenic climate change.

  • No, obviously not.

    The west did lie when they said they weren’t going to expand NATO eastwards, and Russia was scared of Ukrainians choosing to join NATO (and the EU), like the USA was scared over nuclear missiles deployed to Cuba. But it’s the Ukrainians who get to choose if they want to join NATO and the EU, not Russians; like Cubans choose to partner with the Soviets (or Chinese) in the face of Operation Mongoose.

    Yes, western voters are imperialist monsters, and yes Russians are worse. Yes, Ukraine is corrupt, and Russia is more corrupt. Yes there are a small number of neo-nazis in Ukraine, but there are also some in Russia and the USA. But it’s the Ukrainians who get to choose if they want to join NATO and the EU, not Russians.