Wouldn’t make a difference. The only part that could change my actions would be what happens once it ends. But simulation or no I’m stuck here for however many years and have to make the best of it.
I have no idea how your code works but I appreciate it for the excited guy /(oo)/
Thanks for all your hard work!
Apex should take notes. Sadly, they won’t.
“This enforcement began in the immediate aftermath of the incident, as part of our standard practice to address content related to violent tragedies.”
Tragedy is a strong word.
These sort of comments make me wonder who is reading usernames. I barely ever look because it doesn’t matter except in reply threads.
There’s still good stuff, but less of it and fewer amateurs sadly. The “amateurs” that are there are all promoting their OnlyFans. The year or so after the sweep was pretty clear how much they lost.
There are various reasons people may treat you as if you’re younger. I would bet the primary reason is no matter how much you think you’ve grown up, those changes have to be seen outwardly for a while before people that knew you as a kid will accept it. It took until 24 or 25 before I felt people had stopped treating me with kid hands. Keep in mind as well that as people get older, younger people start blending together a bit and a 20 year old does not seem as mature from a 30-40’s perspective. It’s similar to how younger people often have a hard time telling apart old people’s ages and they all seem “old”. The final point I’d make is that swearing isn’t something all adults do and is not related to maturity. It can be a sign of familiarity between certain people though. Swearing around family members is either something that comes with time or never, really depends on your parents/relatives.
Trying to push these issues in an “I’m a big boy now!” manner will generally backfire and get you treated young for longer, because it’s a very childish thing to do. I am not all-knowing so I don’t like giving absolute advice, but personally I think the best thing you can do is not worry so much about it and continue acting in a responsible manner. If you show yourself to be mature, others will realise and treat you as such. If they don’t then either you’re not as mature as you think or you should find someone who you can have a more level conversation with. It’s not so bad being young, anyway, “the grass is always greener” and you will miss it when people always look at you like an adult!
Plenty of mature adults are furries and are treated as adults. This is not helpful advice.
The random office PC with an older i7, no GPU, and two hard drives I was using idled at around 70W. So… it goes either way.
Edit: This was a “standard” ATX tower PC and reading your other comments it sounds like that isn’t what you’re referring to.
My friend who never watches anime always goes on about the same point and I just have to laugh because there are maybe 2 shows matching that description out of 100 in a year.
My understanding of most people’s opinion is that the visuals are stunning but otherwise whatever. It’s definitely mine. Avatar 2 has one of the worst written and worst paced stories I have seen in a long time. But it’s still almost worth the watch solely to admire the visuals that over-shadow other movies by a mile.
You didn’t list one of the main uses of a downvote: lowering the visibility of poorly made or unfitting content. If you believe that a post or comment does not contribute to or belong in the community or discussion, your only recourse in most places is to downvote. Yeah ideally mods would remove every such post but that ignores the fact they are few in number, often absent, and generally follow their rules to the letter instead of moderating on vibes.
Having recently switched from baremetal Ubuntu Jellyfin to Docker, use docker. With Docker I know exactly where Jellyfin is storing my data because I tell it where. This means I can move it and spin it up from any machine the same every time. Moving my files over from Ubuntu was painful because they store it in weird locations and it’s spread across the file system, plus my media mount locations are different. This would have not been a problem on Docker.
It’s not the ‘one click’ solution some people claim, but the up front trouble is worth it for easier management, in my opinion.
It bothered me how that account just made up names for the dogs if they thought it’d get more likes. Pretty sure they renamed “ethnic-sounding” names to bland ones like “John” as well. It’s quite possibly the least important thing on the planet but it still bothered me lol.
37 under 18 compared to 33 over 18. Close to a 50/50 split. Link
We’re just going to ignore that school shooters are generally minors and thus not treated the same as adults? Okay then.
I, too, watched Legal Eagle’s video.
Climate change is rather important too but I wouldn’t bring it up when asked about my opinion on ice cream.