I’m not angry with you, but I am afraid that you’ve lost your way.
That’s like saying tea is just hot leaf water.
We’ve had Luigi, time for Lakitu
All I see is
I love shopping trolleys… But avoid the ones with multiple wheels for climbing stairs, they’re loud as hell on pavement.
Literally cannot parse this
Literally just tax the super rich a little bit. God damn it Keith
I hope this couple got visited by three ghosts and learned to change their ways
I really like the moral argument that everyone should be treated like a cute little white girl. It’s perhaps a little sad to see that it’s the straightest line between two points, so to speak.
By “work well” you mean damage society
Oh, well damn it.
Pretty high Drop
This term is going to be censored next year I bet
The important thing to know about fungal infections is that human core temperature is basically too warm to support fungal life. So, we do see skin infections but afaik not internal ones.
Average Noita run
I was content to damn them with faint praise and save everyone the hassle. EY is a reasonably good writer who repackaged a lot of good ideas (Kahneman et al) and came up with a lot of less impressive original ideas (all the parts you’ve highlighted, many more). His most enjoyable work was fiction.
I can’t speak for others but I’ve come to see the Less Wrong / hardline rationalist crowd as having had some interesting ideas despite the Sam Bankman Fried of it all. Rationalwiki can be rather snarky, but can be a good resource.
Social media doesn’t often reward kindness, but that’s what is needed. Show kindness to young men, when you can. They need better guidance.
Well, I’m out of AtlA references. For now.