I run UT with Waydroid on my pixel 3a xl. For a 2019 phone it’s pretty good. Does what i need a phone to do, make/receive calls, wifi web surf. If it wasn’t for UT, i wouldn’t own a smart phone.
Just looking for a free internet horizon to sail towards.
I run UT with Waydroid on my pixel 3a xl. For a 2019 phone it’s pretty good. Does what i need a phone to do, make/receive calls, wifi web surf. If it wasn’t for UT, i wouldn’t own a smart phone.
Truth doesn’t matter to cults, they make up their reality as they go along. It doesn’t need to make sense, it just needs to be spewed out in a constant torrent.
I appreciate the King’s sentiment, but i think it’s a bad idea. Give him a participation ribbon, put some gold foil on it to make it look valuable and pin it on his chest. He’ll run around like a giddy child, bragging about it for a while, then discard it when he gets bored and decides he’s offended by something else. There’s no assuaging a piece of garbage like Trump, put him in a corner, slap a dunce cap on him, and tell him to stfu.
How about we be able to fully support the planes on Canadian soil without any need to depend on American support whatsoever, so that Trump can’t undermine our defense or betray us to Russia/China/pickyourshittydictatorship. Otherwise, forget it.
I think we should diversify away from the US and China as much as possible. So no, i don’t think we should ease off tariffs on Chinese goods.
Until Valve releases the Deckard, or whatever their next iteration VR hardware will be named, they’ll have to pry my Valve Index from my cold dead hands. No way in hell would i ever own anything from Meta/FB.
Even though i support the NDP over the greens and conservatives, i think such sweeping power grabs need great scrutiny. There is opportunity in disaster and the rich and powerful no matter what their affiliation pretends to be will always grab power for themselves.
Yeah like why no security clearance PP? Afraid his ties to Putin will be exposed i’ll wager.
Canada should issue a travel advisory for Canadians as well, considering what happened to Jasmine Mooney, a Canadian actress detained by I.C.E… Doesn’t matter who or how successful you are, they will come after Canadians. The president of the US has a hate on for Canadians, and his sycophants are looking to gain his favour, so if we must travel to the US, make sure you have all your paperwork correct before attempting crossing the border. Even then, i think Canadians in the US should be very cautious.
Doesn’t ship to BC.
They will be targeted anyway.
I care enough to say i don’t give a shit about it.
Make sure to not just cancel, but remove your credit card info so they can’t charge your card anyway. Disney+ tried that on me.
For security reasons we are going to have to up our tariffs.
Russia is committing a war of genocide, surrender is death. Better to die fighting and take as many of the enemy with you and deprive them of the fruits of their conquest.
I sent an email to Mark Carney regarding mstdn.ca and encourage others to do the same.
Hello Mr. Carney,
As a Canadian, i was wondering if you would consider adding a Canadian social media site to your presence, like mstdn.ca (mastodon) or similar? As someone who wants to get away from American corporate dominance, i would like to see Canada using home grown talent rather than only billionaire dominated media.
Thank you for your attention.
I quit drinking but this is good news. Wish there were more non-alcohol beers that didn’t suck. The only brand i found drinkable is Athletic and it’s American.
Sounds to me like your dock is garbage.