CriticalResist8 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2022


  • Disclaimer: I’m not super happy with that page as it’s part of a bigger network of pages like contradiction, dialectics, materialism, etc. We decided to give every concept their own page ultimately (and naturally due to how wikis work) so that it cuts down on size, but it also disseminates information and you have to go look for it. Don’t hesitate to click on the blue links when you come across them.

    there’s a fox and the rabbit and then there’s just a fox but it has a full belly now

    The rabbit and fox form a contradiction; the fox wants to eat the rabbit, but the rabbit doesn’t want to be eaten; they are diametrically opposed. Yet one cannot exist without the other, the fox would die if it didn’t eat the rabbit, and as the fox eats rabbits, it keeps the population in check and prevents an ecological collapse of the rabbit population. When the fox eats the rabbit, the contradiction is resolved and another one appears. This is often misconstrued as “thesis-antithesis-synthesis”. Put enough contradictions together and you have dialectics happen

  • I’ve had some success with it if I’m giving it small tasks and describe in as much detail as possible. By design (from what I gather) it can only work on stuff it was able to use in training, which means the language needs to be documented extensively for it to work.

    Stuff like Wordpress or MediaWiki code it does generally good at, actually helped me make the modules and templates I needed on mediawiki, but for both of those there’s like a decade of forum posts, documentation, papers and other material that it could train with. Fun fact: in one specific problem (using a mediawiki template to display a different message whether you are logged in or not), it systematically gives me the same answer no matter how I ask. It’s only after enough probing that GPT tells me because of cache issues, this is not possible lol. I figure someone must have asked about this same template somewhere and it’s the only thing it can work off of from its training set to answer that question.

    I also always double-check the code it gives me for any error or things that don’t exist.

  • Hey, thanks for the feedback.

    For Mao, I asked our resident China expert and am waiting for a response; we’ll see what he says. Although I think it would make sort of a minute difference to move Mao’s card as his work was mostly about China’s material conditions and SWCC takes what he laid down; would you move Lenin because Marxism-leninism is a post-Lenin invention too? 😄

    Socialist doesn’t necessarily mean marxist, and Gaddafi joins the row of people like MLK or Einstein (for whom we have only 1 work so they don’t have their own cards). Gaddafi’s writings are unfamiliar to me personally, but we talked about him quite a bit with the editorship, including people who are familiar with him, and the consensus is that he was a socialist to some extent, but certainly not a communist or a marxist.

    As for the documents, our goal is to rehost every major document from communist parties around the world so as to archive them… but between what we want to do and what we have the current capabilities of doing is a lot of ground to cover lol. Sometimes we also rehost documents we intend to use as sources.