demand and supply are a thing
Reddit Refugee
demand and supply are a thing
Work in customer care, can confirm that.
Everybody needs to eat stuff. And if it is about reducing pain and having a better climate impact, you should plants all the way. A cow eats 50 times the amount of plants that it gives back in meat.
You are on lemmy. This things get shared here. Same is true for every other social media.
OP has a gaping asshole.
Those commentors seem to never been without those privileges. It can very very exhausting to live/ work wothout any breaks at all for years.
Where I live, everyone gets paid leave when they need to see a doctor during working hours. Same is true for everything else that is “important”.
Dependig on the country you live in, there might be some law above what Disney might say. For example in most European Countries it’s the case. And no matter what Disney writes, like “killing you is alright”. There is a law above it that overrules it.
Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée?
Maybe you have noticed it, but they try to widem their portfolio with paid services in the last couple of years. They have seen it coming.
I pay for at least one of their new services.
Harvest Moon Joghurts - I loved them, but now I’m heartbroken.
Always have a tiny USB drive on my key chain. The digital space is so huge nowadays and they cost almost nothing.
Do you have an example?
I live in Austria and most local governments start doing the opposite. They plant trees all around the city even if it takes away some parking spots for cars. And as the trees grow, the shading area gets bigger and it get’s cooler.
Wait, so the US Votes by area and not by head count?
You are to empathic for social media 😄
Changing position often is actually pretty good. But a healthy main position os also important.
Not even a product but a childs game. “Wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann? - Niemand!” Who is afraid of the black man? Nobody!
It’s basically about catching each other (with a ball) where you say those words in the beginning.
Have the thunderbolt symbol on my HP Laptop.