People have been repeatedly told not to go near this group. Its the age old story where “modern man” meets indigenous tribe and kills a bunch of them with disease and they now consider us at war. We need to leave these people alone.
People have been repeatedly told not to go near this group. Its the age old story where “modern man” meets indigenous tribe and kills a bunch of them with disease and they now consider us at war. We need to leave these people alone.
I thought the first movie was better. Inside Out 2 was fine and enjoyed it but it felt a bit more painful comedy wise than the first one and the story was less compelling.
I noticed today searching that the date search no longer seems to work right. There are some terms that only appeared since 2020 and up until my recent attempts those terms produced no results on DDG when date constrained but now produce terms in articles clearly after that date. I don’t know if this is some personalisation nonsense or always pulling but results if the constraints don’t match or what but its seriously problematic and means I can’t trust the date constraints anymore.
They are a lot more expensive than expected at the moment, once they start selling at the 30$/KWh they were proposed at they will be fantastic but if they stay at their current price LFP is going to be a lot cheaper.
Yes Satellite Reign, I guess its not very recent since it was nearly a decade ago!
Trustpilot in itself is a very problematic website as well that biases towards positive reviews. Companies can engage there and get reviews removed when the person won’t further engage with the company that has wronged them and get the reviews removed. So if an organisation has bad reviews and its engaged on trustpilot they must be really bad.
Grian’s early videos on his channel were all about how to make better looking buildings. The fundamental strategy is to start with a more interesting asymmetric shape as the base and vary the height in various places as well to produce a more interesting shape. For example the entrance could be a short corridor with well defined doorways and its only as high as the corridor needs to be breaking up the cube both on the bottom layer and vertically.
The second part of his steps I recall were depth. So take the corners and put structure and framing on the outside, do this across the entire build to give it that sense of being held up with columns.
The next is all about colour and details where small extra little pieces are added such as frames around the windows and stair cases used to fill corners of framing to make them gradient in.
I highly recommend those early Grian tutorial videos on youtube because they teach some fundamentals that can make any build look a lot better even when you start out with a grey cube,
Syndicate (the recent indy homage alas broke the formula too much).
Mech Commander
The first attempt of many, the tech industry will normalise a subscription model alongside the hardware they just need to find the right justification that doesn’t have universal push back. It worked for games, the trojan horse used was (often token) multiplayer addition and it will work in hardware too once they find the right combination.
It would carry a bit more weight if the UK wasn’t continuing to ship them weapons they were using in this genocide. Infact that is something they should cease immediately.
AMD has unfortunately a long history of abandoning products before its reasonable on its graphics division. Its not really acceptable, up until earlier this year my NAS/server was running a 3600 and its only for power saving purposes I changed that as its still a very workable CPU in that role.
Its likely too early (For Wikipedia) just because the ICJ hasn’t made a ruling. The genocide however is pretty plain to see and has been all year. Wikipedia has always done weird and often inconsistent things around the evidence allowed and sufficient to support statements in its articles so its not a new issue.
The one thing you shouldn’t do with Covid is push hard while you have it, that increases the risk of developing Long Covid.
So far we have had between 4 and 6 waves a year, each of which is from a different variant. A variant breaks out and within 2 months its infected almost everyone at which point it dies down to become part of the background infections and a new variant takes over. There just isn’t enough time to make a vaccine and roll it out to deal with any of that problem. The vaccines that are getting rolled out now are for variant that disappeared 6 months ago. Nothing we do is going to be very effective against this until the vaccines are a lot more effective against potential future variants or we drastically reduce the number of hosts it gets to replicate in.
That doesn’t produce any practical competition however. Some vertical splitting of the search business seems reasonable so we end up with multiple companies doing search out of it.
Covid happily spreads outside. A number of the early pandemic super spreader events were outside like football matches. There was a confirmed transmission in Japan over 80metres from an infected jogger to a group standing quite far away so we know it’s airborne and highly contagious even outside. Outside can be quite acidic due to pollution and this helps the virus survive as do particles in the air so there is a balance between the density indoors verses degradation conditions, it’s a complex picture in the research.
Basic rule, Covid spreads outside since it’s airborne and it can persist in the air for at least an hour. UV light can degrade it faster but it also only takes 7 virons to infect someone and we breath out 1000 with each breath.
They just don’t outperform the 7000 series and they are kind of more expensive. I guess you can PBO them and get 15% out of them at similar power consumption but that isn’t great for the price difference.
He has clearly been inciting the riots online. Treat him like all the other instigators of this and put out an arrest warrant for terrorism. He should stand in a court room and answer for his actions like everyone else, the billions shouldn’t mean he gets to talk to parliament first.
The law comes in two parts, the actual written bit that says what it is and the enforcement. Most people consider the first part what is necessary and lobby hard for it but really the most important bit in a practical sense is how it gets applied and enforced, without which the law is worthless. In many countries one way to defang laws is simply underfund the legal system or quangos that do the enforcement, another is putting someone in charge at the attornies office who de-prioritises those cases. The law as written isn’t worth the paper/bytes its written on unless there is a plan for enforcement that doesn’t involve every poor person using the rich mans legal system against giant corporations with infinite defence money.
We don’t actually need new laws. There are already existing mechanisms for holding the directors of companies criminally responsible for damage and death they cause. Its not new laws we need its the existing ones enforced and done so not just against the water companies but any company that is harming the environment and people or committing other criminal acts.