There’s not supposed to be a frame there. Pull the side panel off a GM and it’s the same.
The frame is under the truck. There should be a rigid structure on the flat of the bed.
Album on,, &
There’s not supposed to be a frame there. Pull the side panel off a GM and it’s the same.
The frame is under the truck. There should be a rigid structure on the flat of the bed.
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t even seem to understand what a non sequitur is. Good luck moving cash in material volumes in any way that’s meaningful. You can’t. No one is going to let you buy your yacht or your house in cash unless you can prove it’s Source because of AML controls. They won’t be able to deposit it into their banks so they won’t let you deposit it with them either.
I feel like the link you just provided completely invalidates the way you started “if you are a giant bank you can ml all you want” but then you show the fines that show you can’t do this all you want.
Keep in mind the banks are profiting from others laundering money not from laundering their own money.
“It’s big brothers attempt to monitor capital flows.”…yes exactly…
No it doesn’t. It posits that if you don’t think they are necessary you need to accept and be ok with money laundering on your network.
Lmao who writes this shit. The solution to KYC is just no KYC! And then offer nothing to explain how to implement AML controls!
If you want to use a kycless network you then have to know and accept that it’s going to be used for money laundering and that others are not going to transact with you or that platform because you accept that kind of risk.
The banks are obligated by the govt to not take that risk. It doesn’t benefit the banks… We’ve seen they’d much rather not do KYC and take on the money laundering risk because it’s far more profitable.
Weird I was looking for my 10mm yesterday and couldn’t find it :(
Thank you for keeping the lights on!
ppl are silly
i know i use IF.
I’ve been using LW & Mull/IF before the outrage-TOU update and while they’re great for me I wouldn’t recommend them to everyone. I still keep FF as a backup and many ppl should continue to use FF for the time being as it was JUST A TOU update…for now.
Different areas have different lightning bugs too. The ones in southern ontario are not the same as the ones in the midwest US.
Target can’t win either way lol.
Rainbow junk on your shelves = boycott
cancel DEI = boycott
Yeah I’ve seen both of those as well
Imo it’s hotspot temp. At least on my 2080ti if my hotspot reaches 104C (from thermal paste pump out) then the blower fan will go 100% which is insanely loud like a hair dryer.
A repaste will fix it till it pumps out again so next time I’m using a phase change material.
Free speech is a threat to profit. Hence all the for profit platforms lacking it meaningfully.
Imagine using Reddit while talking about sourcing from non-US countries. It’s a contradiction of itself
That’s my point. It’s in place and probably still failed. It happens.
Do you understand what an analogy is?
Yes, hence it being a shit one.
Anyways, Firefox is the project. All of those other “projects” are mostly configuration changes of the upstream project- not even code changes.
No, for example fennec for fdroid which is the base for mull or ironfox has multiple code deletes to remove unsolicited data sent to Google.
When Firefox decides to become hostile to those “other” browsers you use- they’ll be able to do fuck all about it.
That’s not how open Source works…
Raise a paddle?