Every triangle is a love triangle if you love triangles
Every triangle is a love triangle if you love triangles
Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be defeated.
- Sun Tzu.
- This Guy
Aren’t all adaptations “high-budget fanfiction” though? Like, what about the film makes it more fanfictiony compared to other comic or book adaptations?
Nor to Alberta 😔
Ah, that sounds like a jagged edge of a panel and not a corner of the vehicle. Standard poor build quality stuff. That wouldn’t make a difference at all in a crash scenario, but definitely do not pet the cyber truck.
I’m with you on the functional bit, but the form/function order doesn’t bother me as much. So long as there are functions like safety and stuff.
I doubt the corners are sharp enough to cause any extra damage over the standard “pedestrian struck by vehicle” fare. Smooth vehicles kill just as well based purely on the virtues of being very heavy and strong compared to our fleshy bodies.
On person’s trash is another’s treasure. I think they look cool.
But taste is purely subjective. Things like style and fashion are the opposite of objective. What “looks good” changes drastically over time and distance, so there is no right answer. Just because someone is wearing something that you think is silly does not mean they share your opinion. Same goes with vehicles. I personally don’t like the looks of the Nissan Leaf, but plenty of people bought those and loved them.
What’s your take on the Pontiac Aztek? That’s another one that people seem to hate, but I think it’s rad lol.
I think they look neat and I don’t do any drugs. Not even the cool ones! Is it so hard for people to believe that different people have different tastes? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Hawaiian pizza to demolish.
P.S. I only think they look cool. Their build quality seems pretty bad, and the company CEO is a stain upon the earth.
Are there no 12’ skellingtons in the states? My town is filthy with them. I’ve never felt so safe as I do right now with all these gigantic bone daddies.
Context is a fickle mistress like that. I have deffo overlooked options because the surroundings were different.
I mean, I kinda did post an ad as an example, lol. But it was the most concise video I could find in like 30 seconds of looking! I am in no way shilling for whoever the company was. Any cold shrink brand will be more or less equivalent.
And you’re welcome! I do like being helpful in areas I know things about.
In this case they can pass the cost onto the customer. The higher restrictions will always result in higher costs, so they’re probably used to it.
Ok, thought so. Another option is gel splice covers. They’re a plastic box with waterproof goo in them to cover the connection. This is just one example, but there are plenty. Wago sells some specifically for their splice connectors. There are also some where you mix your own goo, but I’ve never seen or used them.
Wait… How are you splicing the wires? Crimped butt splices?
Maybe you can get your hands on cold shrink tubing? It’s a rubbery tube stretched over a plastic frame thingy. You pull the frame out and the rubber shrinks down. No heat needed.
Jupiter Ascending is, in my opinion, a masterpiece. Bees can sense royalty? Fantastic. The bureaucracy android having to bribe his way through the system he was literally created to navigate? Marvelous. Don’t even get me started on the air roller skates. Eddie Redmayne’s four million year old teenager was perfection too. Two volume levels: harsh whisper or screaming.
It was marketed as some kind of amazing epic, so people approached it wrong I think. It was a Wachowski film. What were they expecting? I went in there assuming it’d be like their Speed Racer movie, but in space. I was not disappointed.
Second vote would be for Speed Racer, lol.
I follow the “Adjective_Noun” school of unique usernames.