“Looking into” = throwing tantrums and threatening to sue
I was going to ask, what is he going to do? You’ve seemed to have answered that.
You can’t just, you know, force someone to use your product…
In theory, he could do in-house things to incentivize those companies to want to add that feature back.
In reality, that would make him lose even more money, so it’ll never happen.
“Looking into”
I’m sure the API fees plus Twitter’s woes made it not worth it. I also imagine the use wasn’t that high, Twitch integration is much more important.
What’s he going to do, other than confirm people are abandoning his shit platform, and whine to his ball garglers about how he’s had to face the consequences of his own actions?
deleted by creator
He’d never use a word as diplomatic as “concerning.” He’s trying to find a way to blame it on the “woke mind virus” or some other bullshit.
Oh FFS. That’s straight out of the conservative bullshit playbook. “Was Obama born in Kenya? If not, why won’t he show us his long form birth certificate? We’re just asking questions!”
Remember when Elon Musk tried to go to war with Apple and they invited him to Apple campus and went on “a walk?” And Musk immediately went into stfu mode when faced with a real adult?
Twitter adds API access fees and removes moderation.
Companies: remove Twitter integration
Elon: Autistic screeching
Imagine the screeching if they add Mastodon integration.