I used to live near a road that was called “Old Fort Rd”. It was near the highway and one time, this person added a line to the exit sign with white tape so it said “Old Fart Rd.” My wife and I always got a good laugh out of that.
I once saw a road sign that was supposed to say Putt Corners but someone painted it to say Butt Corners. Which is amazing because butts don’t have corners.
I used to live near a road that was called “Old Fort Rd”. It was near the highway and one time, this person added a line to the exit sign with white tape so it said “Old Fart Rd.” My wife and I always got a good laugh out of that.
I once saw a road sign that was supposed to say Putt Corners but someone painted it to say Butt Corners. Which is amazing because butts don’t have corners.
Except SpongeBob SquarePants