Will not repeat the body text. I’ll crosspost questions here that I answer or might be answerable by lemmy’s population (mostly CS program questions).

  • yjkOP
    2 years ago

    I’ve taken CPSC 121, not MATH 341, so I’m basing my answer off the syllabus at https://personal.math.ubc.ca/~solymosi/341/341.html. I have also worked through part of generatingfunctionology, which is mentioned in the syllabus.

    Based on the course outline there doesn’t seem to be much material you need to know that you didn’t learn in 121. The other courses also have little to no focus on the topics in the class, so I think the point of the pre-reqs is the ability to think mathematically and prove things (as 223 and 226 are both honours courses, and 220 is a proof course). It might help to read a mathematical proof book (I hear How to Prove It by Velleman is a good starting point).