Course registration is definitely on everybody’s minds right now. Feel free to discuss any insights you have or questions that you need answers to.

Here’s a list of fun electives/GPA booster that served me well:

  • PSYC 350A - Human sexuality
  • COMM 412 - Negotiation
  • COMM 312 - Business ethics leadership
  • PHIL 333 - Biomedical ethics
  • PHIL 331 - Business ethics
  • PHIL 250 - Minds and Machines
  • CNPS 363 - Career Counselling
  • FNH 355 - International Nutrition
  • EOSC 478 - Intro to Fisheries Science
  • FMST 210 - Family Context of Human Development
  • COHR 486D - Negotiation for Leaders
  • SPPH 381A - Public Health Ethics
  • SPPH 302 - Health Infomatics
  • yjk
    2 years ago

    CNPS 363 is repeated.

    tbh I never understood the point of taking electives or gpa boosters (unless you’re first year or premed). Courses that are in my specialization or adjacent to it seem much more interesting.

    though some of these topics intrigue me I’d prefer to learn about them on my own time (though I guess it’s hard to do so for Counselling/Leadership/Negotiation courses), without any pressure, and having more autonomy on what I learn about.

    • lifeiswonderful1OPM
      2 years ago

      Good points 👍

      Some of them I did to help me with my BCS application as an unclassified student, which freed me from a lot of restriction/pre-req limitations when I was a degree student.

      The COMM and negotiation courses were part of my bridging module for my second degree. I felt they were very practical and helped me a lot from buying a car to negotiating my salary for new jobs.

      (*Deleted 363 repeat - nice catch)