This kind of e-bike is not allowed (or it is, but with big caveats, more akin to motorcycles) on public European roads. Regular ebikes can’t have a throttle and are heavily restricted on top speed (20 to 25km/h depending on the country. Can go faster but you’re not helped by the motor over that speed).
We have similar laws in America, but they’re not as strict. Ours can go 35km/h (or 22 mph) before it gets called a Class B e-bike, which you need a driver’s license for and can’t go on bike paths/trails.
This kind of e-bike is not allowed (or it is, but with big caveats, more akin to motorcycles) on public European roads. Regular ebikes can’t have a throttle and are heavily restricted on top speed (20 to 25km/h depending on the country. Can go faster but you’re not helped by the motor over that speed).
We have similar laws in America, but they’re not as strict. Ours can go 35km/h (or 22 mph) before it gets called a Class B e-bike, which you need a driver’s license for and can’t go on bike paths/trails.
Do you need a license plate and (I suppose, depending on the state) a helmet for those bikes as well?
No license or helmet required afaik, although I always wear mine. Thing goes fast and my skull doesn’t like concrete so much.