2001 Academy Award nominee for Best Animated Short Film. This is the 2015 restoration of "Rejected", remastered from the original 35mm film for Blu-ray: http...
My college did a free showing of these years and years ago. I had no clue what I was going to, just that my friends said I would totally love it. To this day I rando quote it and just get Wtf looks. Which makes me so happy.
Edit: Fuck this was originally released in 2000, which means it would have been 2001 or 2002 (over 20 years ago) when I first saw it. . Ugh I’m old.
My college did a free showing of these years and years ago. I had no clue what I was going to, just that my friends said I would totally love it. To this day I rando quote it and just get Wtf looks. Which makes me so happy. Edit: Fuck this was originally released in 2000, which means it would have been 2001 or 2002 (over 20 years ago) when I first saw it. . Ugh I’m old.