If real bigots were as eloquent with their words as Dukat, we might have a problem. Thankfully, none of them seemed to have that kind of charisma since Hitler killed himself.
Eloquence isn’t the only measure of charisma. See: Trump.
Destroy the Cardassian education system, and the populace will believe anything, even the eloquent words of a Vorta like Weekend at Keevan’s, controlled by Rom.
No we wouldn’t because the solution to the paradox of tolerance is that you can’t be tolerant of intolerance. It’s a social contract, if one party breaks it, the contract is broken.
It’s not a contract, because the parties involved didn’t all get a chance to agree to it before hand.
The best way to eliminate bigotry, is with unearned compassion. It’s certainly more difficult. But it is the highest moral ideal.
This might work at a micro, local scale. But it does not work nationally or even regionally.
One side is rabidly homicidal, public stating they’ll kill people who are different from them.
You simply can’t love these people to death. Because they will continue to kill while you reason with them.
You simply can’t love these people to death. Because they will continue to kill while you reason with them.
First. We’re talking about bigots, not murders. Those are two separate groups. It’s prejudicial to assume all bigots are murders.
Second. You can’t “reason” with them, because their position isn’t based on reason, but emotion. You simply be kind to them. Be their friend. Let them realize on their own, that __________ aren’t all the bad things they imagine.
It’s prejudicial to assume all bigots are murders.
What do bigots want to have happen to the people they hate?
As someone who grew up in a conservative family in a religious town and is now liberal, there is a wide spectrum of bigots. Some of them would happily enact halocaust 2, and some of them just get nervous when they see a black person on the street at night. I have a number of family members that fall in that later category.
That depends on the bigot.
Some simply don’t want to associate with __________.
Some want __________ to live in separate places.
Some want __________ to learn to not be __________.
And many who may want __________ to die, don’t want to be the ones who actually do the killing themselves.It’s only a quite small portion of bigots who have killed anyone. Bigotry is a much more common problem than murder.
Absolutely. Go tell all those gay and trans people that they should’ve showed their murderers more compassion.
I’m not saying that what you suggest is impossible, but it’s idealistic and naïve.
Being a murder is different than being a bigot.
I would bet the vast majority of bigots, have never killed anyone.
But a whole lot of them would vote for somebody who has.
Perhaps. But that still wouldn’t make them killers.
If someone hands a loaded gun to someone who they believe intends to commit murder, do you believe that they are not a part of the murder committed?
I would bet with many the only reason none of them have killed someone is because they would get in trouble with the law, not because they are morally against it.
You can see it in the stories from during the colonial era back when black people weren’t considered humans.
That could be possible.
Though going to a time and place where the target group were so “othered” (is that a word) as to not even be human, that removes more mental barriers than simply the law.
Appeasement. That always works.
I’m not talking about appeasement.
You don’t have to agree with someone or do what they want, to not shun them. Have you never disagreed with a friend? Did you read the article I linked to?
You’re getting downvoted because you seem to be falling to understand that that guy is exceptional in that he is an exception, not the norm.
You realize it wasn’t that long ago that black people were hanged for as little as looking at a white person the wrong way at times, yes?
Being super nice isn’t a reliable way to accomplish what he has.
Even if it is it’s not an option for everyone. A white guy acting like this towards a KKK member isn’t going to accomplish this. A Hispanic guy doing it is unlikely to change a racist’s opinion on black people.
Your statements come off as Elon Musk telling people to work hard to be rich because it’s happened before.
It may be a useful tool in some circumstances, but one guy, or even a handful of them, does not prove it’s the “best way”.
The first is by definition always an exception. We don’t know if they’re unique, until others try the same thing.
I never said being super nice was the fix. Being a friend is. It’s hard to be bigoted against a group, when one of that group is a good friend. But yes anyone outside the targeted group, won’t be able to have quite the same effect. Those outside the group can be helpful though. If a trusted friend points out your short comings, you’re more likely to second guess them, or at least not take them as far as you might otherwise.
Except in this case others have already tried the same thing with results going from success to death. It’s not unique but it is uncommon. This would speak against it as the “best way”.
It’s hard to convince someone bigoted against you to be your friend. If they won’t be your friend the whole concept fails. This shouldn’t need to be stated.
Often bigots closest friends are also bigots. Again causing issue. If one close friend points out your shortcomings but the others tell you they aren’t shortcomings at all it’s much easier to stick with your comfort zone, as it almost always is. Repeated efforts here cause a friendship to falter, which goes back to what was suggested in the first place, separation.
Friendship works on someone open to it working. Whether they already have that friend or not. You can’t force someone to accept something they don’t want to hear, which is probably the problem you’re having accepting the flaws in your own point of view despite the ways they have been pointed out in other’s comments.
From what I’d read in to, you’re substituting “best way” for “most moral way” without considering that morality is not a standard. To many reducing harm to the masses is far more moral than making friends with bigots. They can, and must, choose to step outside their bigotry in order to leave it behind. Until then they can deal with being on the fringes.
I am going to pray nobody takes this idiot seriously
It would be more effective to explain how I’m wrong. But if you can’t right now, I understand. My comments will still be here tomorrow.
You don’t seem to be in a state of mind for willing absorbtion of information.
You never offered any information. What evidence suggests I’m not open to it?
In fact, the closest thing to an argument against the idea that anyone made, is that it doesn’t scale well. Which is of course true. But this is about the morality of ways to deal with bigots, not the practically.
Well, I’m glad you at least recognize that your solution to bigotry is not practical. I agree that it’s a moral ideal, but morality to my mind depends at least as much on effect as intention, which is where practicality comes in, and the fact that showing “unearned compassion” to bigots, at least in the way I typically seem to see that interpreted, just emboldens them and makes life worse for everyone else. The most extreme example of this is, as alluded to, Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler, but we see the same thing play out on a smaller scale frequently.
Most people who discuss morality with any frequency will probably tell you that whether or not you know the outcome of an action ahead of time does impact its morality. So I would argue, because we know that showing bigots “unearned compassion” rather than societally refusing to tolerate their behavior invariably has a net negative impact on those who are the targets of their bigotry, that would render it not the moral ideal we might like it to be.
Please observe the paradox of tolerance.
You were never apart from society so you are bound by the social contract by default, failure to uphold the social contract will result in the following violence: being put in the corner, being told ‘no’, spanking, detention, suspension, loss of employment, physical violence, police arrest, incarceration, garnishing of wages, loss of access to social services, etc.
Acshually the social contract isn’t a thing because I didn’t get to review and sign it
It’s not a contract, because the parties involved didn’t all get a chance to agree to it before hand.
Everyone gets automatic entry and can leave any time they want. If they decide they don’t agree to it there’s nothing keeping them from shrugging off the good graces of society. I think that’s pretty fair.
I was in a very bad spot once and one part of it was due to the so called social contract and the demands it put on me as an individual but when I tried to exit the contract I got forced in ward psychiatric care which kind of negates your argument of there being a choice.
Now a days I still have some issues with the social contract but have other things to live for and have managed to come to terms on how to live with it.
It’s a shame Dukat never got the recognition he deserved for the kindness he showed the Bajorans. Not even 1 statue, for shame.
There’s plenty, they’re just not as big on world-conquering as Hitler (or Dukat). Just look at any megachurch.
With the rising tide of hate crimes and white supremacist attacks on democratically elected reps, it’s obvious they don’t need to be eloquent.
Just criminal.
A smart racist is an oxymoron.
Dismissing them like this isn’t very smart either. There are plenty of smart racists, those who understand how to instrumentalize it to rally the angry mob around their own goals by sprinkling some xenophobia on top. Those who successfully push ultra capitalist legislation against the direct interests of their constituents, just because it hurts the brown people too.
Was Hitler supposed to be charismatic?
If you consider charisma as knowing what to say and when to say it to get people to agree with you then yeah kinda
fight hate with love
enslaves whole planet
Yes, but he loved that planet with all his heart. It tore him up inside to do all that torturing and murdering. Just a big ole’ softy that Dukat.
That’s why it’s soooo sad they didn’t build any statues of him :(
I feel like the Internet is full of people who think they’re Kira but are in reality the useful idiots Kai Winn leverages to gain power.
A lot also think they are Kira while in reality they are just virtue signaling for internet points and the rush of being “right”. They stray further and further from rationality and basically become a screaming hate mob.
I’m a Pakled.
Well yeah as it should be when applied carefully: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance
> against intolerance
> against intolerance
somehow this is a contradiction
Is that Benedictine Cumbersome in the left panels?
Yeah sure why not.
I won’t stand for this Marc Alaimo erasure
Nah, Burlington Coat-factory would have been too young at the time.
Fascism is fascism. You always feel like you’re on the side of the right when you shout down someone. Free speech isn’t easy, but that’s also why freedom isn’t easy. There’s a difference between someone saying something you don’t like, and that same person bring harm to people or property. While I don’t like bigotry, that person is a citizen just like you, and has the same rights.