I know this is a joke/meme, but I sincerely think of the Roman Empire a surprising amount of times. I find myself obsessing over how Roman citizens were living just as complex lives as we are today, or about Marcus Aurelius’ life and philosophy, or about how the Republic fell and became a totalitarian state.

  • IninewCrow
    1 year ago

    The only thing that seems to progress is our technology

    We are capable of improving and making our technology very very efficient within a short period of time.

    However, our mentality, our logic and our behaviours will take many more thousands of years to evolve … the imbalance is like watching a monkey with a machine gun or a grenade.

    And evolution, change and the future doesn’t mean things will be rosy either … evolution doesn’t mean better from your perspective or some other person’s perspective … evolution just means change.

    We could evolve our civilization into a socially minded mutually beneficial shared utopia … or into a totalitarian model where we divide the species into the powerful served by the weaker ones … or into something more equitable … or something far more terrifying … or we just completely and utterly destroy ourselves and leave no trace of our species or our descendants on the planet.