Hello flesh Creatures that inhabit this app and or website instance, due to me
threatening the developers at gunpoint (aka politely asking), I asked if I could
be a pseudo community manager of some kind, due to wanting to take the stress
off of them constantly answering questions. due to me being on my phone 24/7
(download Jerboa! It’s great and the developer could use help if they’re
interested, not managed by us) this means generally speaking, I can answer
questions newer people might have, or just a general inquiry. Now what does this
mean? Well my little homosapians, that means that whenever you have an issue,
you can comment on this post or mention me somewhere if you have a general
inquiry about something. If it’s something I can’t personally answer (i.e code
stuff, because while I am an intelligent 19 year old, I’m not intelligent enough
to understand coding!), I think that’s a good idea personally. Thank you
everyone for also making us surpass over 600$ in total donations!!, You can
donate here to support the developers of this instance more here.
https://opencollective.com/beehaw [https://opencollective.com/beehaw] (it also
supports crypto through this method, if it’s still up to date!)
If you have any questions, I’m willing to answer them whenever I’m available.
Also beehaw creates 5 new subs.
User coldy: can you make it so users can make their own subs not just admins
Oh you ninjad me haha, I added for clarity:
PG 2 of the Fedizens Times, June 5
The Beehaw financial report with alyasha
Like a one of those free news papers