I hear that both CloudFlare is privacy respectful and that it spies on site visitors (with their CDN). What’s your thoughts on this matter?

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Brave is incomparable to Firefox in terms of privacy violations and other issues. It has broken Tor routing, apart from the following:

    Brave Browser is funded by DoD: https://np.reddit.com/r/privatelife/comments/fe34ls/exclusive_brave_browser_funded_by_dod_contractor/

    Brave traffic detected with Cryptocompare despite BAT rewards disabled: https://removeddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/gr8nue/

    Brave also has a known history of whitelisting Facebook and Twitter trackers, and has a crippled adblocker that does not work on Brave’s “acceptable” advertisements.

    Brave Browser hardcoded their crypto partner Binance referral links (https://twitter.com/cryptonator1337/status/1269201480105578496) alongwith Ledger and soon-to-be-compromised Coinbase (https://decrypt.co/31461/coinbase-wants-to-identify-bitcoin-users-for-dea-irs)

    • Qgpkje4rY5s@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Where do I begin? You’re like a FUD machine.

      “It has broken Tor routing” I’m assuming this refers to the DNS leaks, which have been fixed already. (https://www.theregister.com/2021/02/22/in_brief_security/)

      “Brave Browser is funded by DoD” No, it is not. Just because the founders of Palentir were angel investors, does not mean that Brave has any connections with DoD. It’s not even implied. There is no proof of this. Just more of your FUD.

      “Brave traffic detected with Cryptocompare despite BAT rewards disabled” This is because of their Crypto Wallets feature, even tho you don’t use Brave Rewards, you can still use Crypto Wallets which triggers this request. Here’s the thread explaining this, but I’m assuming doing proper research and spreading FUD about everything you don’t stand for is much easier, huh? https://teddit.net/r/brave_browser/comments/f3e27q/why_is_brave_constantly_connecting_to/

      “Brave also has a known history of whitelisting Facebook and Twitter trackers” Yet again, either you are unable to do research or you’re spreading FUD on purpose. These “trackers” make both Facebook and Twitter usable. Since Brave is trying to be a usable browser for all, whilst still preserving user privacy, these “trackers” were whitelisted. Since then, Brave has improved their ad-block to get around this.

      “and has a crippled adblocker that does not work on Brave’s “acceptable” advertisements.” Brave blocks all advertisements by default. Unless you opt into Brave Rewards or turn off your shield, you should not see ads. There are no such thing as “acceptable” ads in Brave, unless you opt into Brave Rewards, that is bullshit and I would be shocked if you linked a source, which you obviously did not due to this being a completely made-up point.

      “Brave Browser hardcoded their crypto partner Binance referral links” This was a mistake on Brave’s part, note that only Binance redirected and no other referral link did, which were all implemented at the same time. This has been fixed and Brave has apologized. It is opt-in.

      https://decrypt.co/31461/coinbase-wants-to-identify-bitcoin-users-for-dea-irs” I don’t know if you live under a rock but any crypto exchange with KYC tracks you, including Coinbase. The ability to trace Bitcoin transactions and users (who have given up their PII due to KYC) is not something new.

      I am not surprised that you seem to be banned or heavily downvoted (on what seems to be) the entire internet for spreading FUD. I have absolutely no interest in entertaining you for any longer. I highly advise you to read up on topics, do your own research and not spreading half of a story, when the other easily explainable half could be searched up in less than 20 seconds.

      • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Why are you projecting your FUD, and doing your le lion work in a privacy community of all places? Oh nevermind you are a Brave user with a new Lemmy account.

        Tor Project does not recommend Brave or use Chromium/Blink engine as its base, so there goes that. And Tor users are sensitive people, where in a lot of cases any amount of tracking can be a difference between life and death, or being arrested as an activist. For me, it could easily sometimes mean being shoved into a jail for months.

        Brave Browser funded by DoD makes sense, considering the shill army that exists across reddit, Telegram, Matrix and other networks for its micro userbase. And of course, Peter Thiel and Palantir involvement should make anyone cautious before using it.

        Brave is an absolute crypto botnet, with a bunch of telemetry that does not go away either way, as the link provided by me above shows. Nothing can defend that, not in a browser designed for privacy. If you do not want to use Crypto Wallet botnet, and BAT system, why not just use Ungoogled Chromium at that point?

        I am not even getting into the rest half of your BS comment, which revolves around junk crypto coins. You spreading this level of FUD and trapping people into Brave should scare everyone.

        Stay away from this user’s scammy advice, folks. Please stay away from Brave BATware. Use Firefox, Pale Moon or Ungoogled Chromium only. Use uBlock Origin medium/hard mode and a good HOSTS ruleset.