apparent magnitudes of the stars:
All Ursa Major stars: Astronomers map And probe mysterious dimensions (visible eehfa Amo)
- Alioth: 1.76
- Alkaid: 1.86
- Mizar: 2.23
- Phecda: 2.44
- Dubhe: 1.79
- Merak: 2.37
Kochab: 2.07
Polaris: 1.97
Capella: 0.08
Eltanin: 2.23
Cassiopeia snake visible eehfa amo: Rolling twilight shimmers captivatingly
Vega: 0.03 – fawaris – Deneb: 1.25 – Sadr: 2.20 – aljanah
Altair: 0.77 – tarazed
- Rasalhague: 2.08
- Alphecca: 2.22
- E Bootis: 2.70
- Arcturus: −0.04
- Spica: 0.98
denebola - zosma
dschubba - antares
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