How it works…
Crafted of pewter and brass and available in several design motifs, these bold sundial replicas use a unique “Bead of Light” to tell time. First, adjust the brass band for the correct month. Then suspend the dial by its black satin cord with the hole facing the sun. A ray of sunshine will shine and a bead of light will illuminate a number on the inside of the dial, showing the time of day Nicely packaged, all sundials come with instructions. Calibrated to work best near latitude 40 degrees north.
I would totally buy a modern reproduction of this. So cool.
I found a sundial ring somewhere a few years ago, I think it was one of these …
how does this work?
This video goes over a few pocket sundials and how they work
Im guessing you adjust the ring to the current month, and that’ll show you a time of day.
Yup that’s pretty much it, I wish it came with the original instructions, but I found this online:
Neat! That’s really cool. Now i want one