American here. Let me just say that this guy is a moron. He thinks that people who rely on social security and complain when there are interruptions in social security payments are fraudsters. He complains about multinational corporations but does nothing to close the legal loopholes in the country to force corporations actually in our borders to pay their fair share. 🙄
This man just talks out of his ass. Like any of Trump’s appointees, he’s a conman, an idiot, and douche that those with heavy metal poisoning just love.
A broken clock is right twice a day. Ireland will let you put a “headquarters” there and then not tax you on any sales outside of Ireland.
This is counter to how virtually every other country does it and is why Apple and a host of other multi national corporations have their international HQ in Ireland, but it’s literally a single employee operation to run 100 countries worth of business without repatriation taxes.
Fuck Trump and his cronies, but Ireland has created one of the biggest corporate tax loopholes on the planet.
Yeah it’s a general race to the bottom for countries when taxing multi-national corporations. Wish there was more buy-in on Biden’s idea to have a minimum international tax rate on corporations, but that didn’t happen and I don’t think it will happen anytime soon now.