Can I just say what a crazy fucking timeline we’re on? Like what the fuck. When I was a kid it was like, oh no bill clinton’s a pervy asshole but still somehow cool. Now we have nazis, social media is owned by billionaires who manipulate people with memes, the earth is boiling and I’m still getting fucking ads for hair removal.
I suggest we all go out for one day, with some snacks to share, and some guillotines, have a party, then agree we all go back to the woods to eat berries and be happy. I don’t even care about the god damn internet and good moisturizer. I would like to sit naked in a bog, eating leaves, and sleep in a tree dreaming of nothing at all.
If we didn’t have however many billions it is now of people, I’d be all about returning to that hunter gatherer life. Would it be really fucking hard? For sure. Would people die of dumb stuff? Ok maybe we keep like, antibiotics. But I bet cavemen never sat around like, “why am I even continuing to exist in this neverending capitalist nightmare?” They probably didn’t wake up at 3 am every night for weeks because the dread overcame their exhaustion. I will join you in the bog.
I know what you are saying, but consider for a second that the shit we are experiencing today ultimately stems from tribalism. Tribalism existed full well in hunter gatherer societies. In some ways better (no nukes). In other ways, far, far more brutal.
They probably didn’t wake up at 3 am every night for weeks because the dread overcame their exhaustion.
Fun fact, primitive people all sleep great because they have no artificial lights or schedules messing with their circadian rhythm. (And unexpectedly in two separate bouts every night)
Would people die of dumb stuff? Ok maybe we keep like, antibiotics.
Yeah, but that’s a bit of a slippery slope, isn’t it? Maybe we still need modern industry, but just in a way that facilitates an active, nomadic lifestyle without many distractions.
Yeah, it would have to be something like that, I guess. It couldn’t be too frequent or it’d be hard to fully enjoy the bog, since I think the lack of structure is a big part of the appeal here. Maybe it wouldn’t even be a seasonal thing, but rather semi-random. Press gangs in lion suits?
Sometimes at the moment, iam at the point where 'm thinking just end it all with a great booooooommmm. And let everything restart, because the Feverdream we live in gets worse everyday. 🥲
There are no simple solutions to complicated problems. If we tear down the state with violence and no plan to permanently replace it with something better, then we’re just going to increase the gap between the upper class and the lower class.
Can I just say what a crazy fucking timeline we’re on? Like what the fuck. When I was a kid it was like, oh no bill clinton’s a pervy asshole but still somehow cool. Now we have nazis, social media is owned by billionaires who manipulate people with memes, the earth is boiling and I’m still getting fucking ads for hair removal.
I suggest we all go out for one day, with some snacks to share, and some guillotines, have a party, then agree we all go back to the woods to eat berries and be happy. I don’t even care about the god damn internet and good moisturizer. I would like to sit naked in a bog, eating leaves, and sleep in a tree dreaming of nothing at all.
That’s not very “increasing shareholder value” of you.
I mean, go and do that now then.
All the land’s been bought or poisoned.
Yes, on the off-chance case OP was serious. It’s hard to tell on the internet.
If we didn’t have however many billions it is now of people, I’d be all about returning to that hunter gatherer life. Would it be really fucking hard? For sure. Would people die of dumb stuff? Ok maybe we keep like, antibiotics. But I bet cavemen never sat around like, “why am I even continuing to exist in this neverending capitalist nightmare?” They probably didn’t wake up at 3 am every night for weeks because the dread overcame their exhaustion. I will join you in the bog.
I know what you are saying, but consider for a second that the shit we are experiencing today ultimately stems from tribalism. Tribalism existed full well in hunter gatherer societies. In some ways better (no nukes). In other ways, far, far more brutal.
They only dreaded the lions as nature intended. I would rather worry about lions than gestures wildly.
Fun fact, primitive people all sleep great because they have no artificial lights or schedules messing with their circadian rhythm. (And unexpectedly in two separate bouts every night)
Yeah, but that’s a bit of a slippery slope, isn’t it? Maybe we still need modern industry, but just in a way that facilitates an active, nomadic lifestyle without many distractions.
But people would still need to work the industry. So… are we like taking shifts?
Am I going to have to take a semi-annual journey to the copper mines? The paper mill? The iron works?
Yeah, it would have to be something like that, I guess. It couldn’t be too frequent or it’d be hard to fully enjoy the bog, since I think the lack of structure is a big part of the appeal here. Maybe it wouldn’t even be a seasonal thing, but rather semi-random. Press gangs in lion suits?
return to monke but fr
Sometimes at the moment, iam at the point where 'm thinking just end it all with a great booooooommmm. And let everything restart, because the Feverdream we live in gets worse everyday. 🥲
Bring back project sundial.
But the economy
There are no simple solutions to complicated problems. If we tear down the state with violence and no plan to permanently replace it with something better, then we’re just going to increase the gap between the upper class and the lower class.