As a Canadian federal election approaches, Johnstone and other advocates are planning a feisty grassroots campaign to push back against misinformation and hate.

“Drag the Vote is a campaign created by our team here at Queer Momentum, supporting grassroots organizers, activists, parents and families to speak up in response to anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate and to encourage Canadians to speak up with us for freedom, equality, and human rights,” Johnstone said.

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Trans and queer people have faced a sharp rise in intolerance and hate over the past few years. There have been violent threats against drag performances and large protests that featured homophobic and transphobic language. Old tropes like claiming that queer people are a threat to children have once again become common.

    4 days ago

    Yeah, I’m a trans man and I’m also not a drag queen. Lol. I don’t really feel like a campaign called Drag the Vote speaks for me, it feels like it speaks over me. At least the drag queens are having fun, I guess. :/